Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2008年8月19日 星期二

⊕ USANA連續十年被票選為最佳的多層次傳銷公司

感謝MSI團隊夥伴瑞妍的分享, 讓我轉貼這份好消息----
讓我很感謝USANA公司產品對我的幫助及MSI團隊對我的幫忙, 讓我更健康也在經營這份事業有所成長!太感謝了~

USANA Health Sciences公司連續十年在MLM Insider's上被票選為直銷商最愛的多層次傳銷公司排行榜上。

鹽湖城— 2008年3月6日 —最近MLM Insider提出的2007年年度報告中指出,USANA Health Sciences公司(那斯達克代號:USNA)被直銷商票選為最佳的多層次傳銷公司,這是USANA連續十年在這個類別中奪冠。

每年成千上萬的直銷商都在MLM Insider網站上票選最優良多層次傳銷公司,USANA連續在這個著名的榜上名列前茅,證明了它的直銷商和顧客的忠誠與熱忱。

"USANA很榮幸能夠連續10年得到這項榮譽", USANA的顧客服務部執行副總裁Mark Wilson說:"我們為我們的直銷商及他們的表現感到驕傲,也很感激他們對我們公司的貢獻。"

來自賓州Chester Springs的USANA直銷商Pete Zdanis,是今年投票給USANA的眾多直銷商之一,他說:"USANA的非凡成就來的並不意外,因為它的產品在市場上無人能比;USANA的細胞式獎勵計劃是同行中最公平最有利潤的制度之一;USANA的管理團隊有非常良好的表現,提供世界13個國家成千上萬的直銷商傑出的商業經驗。"

USANA同時也在MLM Insiders "編輯的最愛"項目中名列前十名最佳傳銷公司。這已是連續第十四年USANA在編輯的最愛項目中列名。

MLM Insiders是多層次傳銷業中頗受敬重的網上訊息來源,它提供許多有關教育、訓練及支援訊息的網路連結,給現有及未來的多層次傳銷商。


2008年8月15日 星期五

Glaucoma 青光眼

Early August, I went to do health checks. The results suggested me to go to the ophthalmology for suspected glaucoma.

Requested for a number of false, and done a intraocular pressure, optic nerve, and again yesterday, vision inspection..

After all the checks, the doctor said that my optic nerve injury is very serious, if counted in mild / moderate / severe injury level, I am in a severe degree.

But I have not felt anything about my eyes...I mean, if not taking the checks, I wouldn't aware that my vision has been injured seriously.

I surf'd the net just to find information and was told from the net articles that Glaucoma often comes with headaches / vomiting, and other phenomena.

Then I recall, this year I really seem to have this type of symtoms several times. However, I was thinking that those might be the MC or the stomach flu caused by type.

Moreover, the original glaucoma is the kind of diseases that many adults prone to of the eye. But because symptoms was not obvious, so it is often overlooked.
By the time when the patient thinks of going to a doctor, the optic nerve damage is already very serious.

Just saw on the Internet, generally, Western medicine can only treat glaucoma symptoms to not deteriorate, but can not cure the disease.

I was happy to see Oriental medicine believes its treatment of glaucoma can be positive, posted by the largest Chinese community in the article read:
Ni-tang of Chinese medicine doctors to write the article.

I was a lot release after reading the article. I shall go to see Chinese medicine ...

8月初去做健康檢查, 結果說懷疑我有青光眼, 因此就去掛了眼科複診,
連續請了幾次假, 做了眼壓, 視神經, 及昨天再做視野檢查,
之後, 醫生說我的視神經損傷的很嚴重, 在輕度/中度/及重度傷害中, 屬偏重度了.


剛在網路上找資料, 發現常會有頭痛/嘔吐等現象, 我回想一下, 這一年來好像的確
比較常這樣, 可是我都以為可能是MC或腸胃型的感冒引起的.

而且, 原來青光眼是很多成年人容易發生的眼疾, 只是因為症狀不明顯, 所以常被忽略,
等到視神經受損很嚴重了, 才去看醫生.

剛在網路上看到, 一般西醫認為青光眼治療只能讓症狀不要變壞, 無法治好.

但很開心看到, 中醫對青光眼的治療較正向積極, 轉貼在海大中醫社讀到的一篇文章:

讓我較放下心, 去找中醫看看...
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