Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年6月30日 星期二


周日按照新買的冰淇淋機附的食譜, 做了兩種口味的藍莓冰淇淋,
一種是黑糖牛奶藍莓冰淇淋, 另一種是阿華田藍莓冰淇淋,


我也吃了幾口 覺得真好吃耶!


因為吃了一部分才想到要拍照 覺得拍起來會不好看


2009年6月25日 星期四

⊕iReport 的 "Floating Column Footer" 可以做什麼?

先前負責的報表其合計列皆一併放入 Java Bean List 內 顯示,
可正常產生 Excel 及 PDF 格式報表.
I put query results to Java Bean List to display them
in iReport. Those reports could be generated in Excel and PDF format correctly.

後因合計之金額 依客戶需求公式更改, 並改以共用模組方式取得,
故於報表新增一列 "合計列"於 iReport 之 Summary 區塊.
Due to customer's changes in the formula of their Sum up amounts,
we then retrieved the amounts from a CUM(commonly used module).
Facing the changes, I decided to create a Sum up row in the Summary area of iReport.

如此變動後產生的報表, 於 Excel 格式仍如常顯示, 但於 PDF格式時,
卻多了一塊空白區域於 Detail 區塊 及 Summary 區塊之間.
After the changes, Excel formated reports could
still be generated as usual. However, a surplus space area got
generated while I was trying to create PDF reports.

不管將此"合計列"置於 iReport 中何區塊, 總是如此現象.
No matter which band in iReport I put this "Sum up" row,
the situation remained.

後想到此"合計列"屬 Column Footer, 移至 Column Footer 區塊應屬正確.
Then I thought, this "Sum up" belonged to Column Footer band.
Therefore, I moved it to that area, and I had confidence that I was right.

所以要做的事, 就是移除 Column Footer 及 Detail 區塊之間的空白,
此應屬 報表屬性 之設定, 故至 報表屬性 中尋找解法,
終於在最後一個Tab內的 "Floating Column Footer" 找到了!
The next thing would be to remove the surplus space between
"Detail" and "Column Footer" bands. I got the instinct that
I should check "Report Properties", and I did get the solution in the
last tab called "Floating Column Footer"!!!

將此選項打勾, iReport 就會處理不需要的空白區域,
並將"合計列"貼齊 Detail 區塊 顯示.
Checked this item(Floating Column Footer) and iReport would
take care of the surplus space.
It also aligned the "Detail" and the "Column Footer" band for me!

大功告成, 太開心啦!
I was so appreciated that this resolved the surplus space issue.
Thank you, Divine. I love you.

P.S. the version of iReport is: iReport 3.0.0

⊕"假如有我可以幫你寫的, 你要告訴我" "If I can be of any help to your homework, please let me know."

昨晚我聽到噴火龍說的, ㄧ句非常動人的話,
"爸爸, 假如有我可以幫你寫的, 你要告訴我."

這是他對他爸爸說的, 噴火龍爸爸告訴他, 自己還有很多報告還沒寫完,

這個六歲的小男孩, 竟不假思索的願意為他父親的學業課業負起責任!

我聽到了非常感動, 因為他正用行動告訴我Ho'oponopono的真諦:
愛, 與百分之百地為發生在自己生命裡的ㄧ切負責任!
他並沒有因為爸爸沒陪他而生氣, 他就是很直接地理解,

噴火龍爸爸愣住了, 後來他謝謝噴火龍的好意.

噴火龍. 我愛你. 謝謝你的提醒, 告訴我Ho'oponopono的核心精神.
我愛你. 謝謝你的教導, Divine. 我愛你, Divine.

Very touching words I heard from Firemonster last night
while he was talking to his father.
"If I can be of any help to your homework, please let me know."

Firemonster's daddy told him that he still had lots of reports
to be done. As soon as he heard his daddy saying that, Firemonster
replied with these words saying he would be willing to help Daddy

This 6-year-old boy was willing to be responsible to his
daddy's homework because of his love and caring to his daddy.

I was amazed by his courage and his thoughts. He was demonstrating
the core of Ho'oponopono to me: Love and be willing to take
100% responsibility of what is happening in our life.
He wasn't angry at his daddy for not accompanying him. He
simply understood his daddy and was willing to be responsible.

His daddy was speechless and then appreciated Firemonster
for his words.

Thank you, my son. Thank you for reminding me the core idea
of Ho'oponopono. I love you.

Thank you for the teachings, Dear Divine. I love you.

2009年6月24日 星期三

⊕Have a feeling in everything

自從開始練習 Ho'oponopono 後,
After starting practicing Ho'oponopono,
I feel myself becoming very sensitive.

怎麼說呢? 就是覺得自己很容易就被感動.
原子筆、車子, 甚至現在住的公寓等等,
I mean, I become so easy to get touched.
The refrigerator, the sofa, the table,
the monitor, my bicycle, my pens, even
the apartment that I am living in right now,
they all are like becoming parts of myself.

我對自己這麼長時間, 未曾注意到它們, 未曾感謝它們,
感到難過, 它們ㄧ直陪伴著我, 為我做事 想到這些,
I feel sorry for not noticing them
and not appreciating them for such a long time.
They have been there doing things for me.
Those thoughts drew my tears.

I asked Coach Janeen one time, "Why I became
so easy to be touched?" I wondered why.

Janeen 笑了, "那是你的感謝! 妳開始感謝了."
對啊, 我需要ㄧ個理由來感謝我的父母嗎? 不需要!
那感謝的情感是如此肯定且深切, 因此我不需要提出任何的理由,
來告訴自己我感謝我的父母. 因為我知道, 所以我感謝.
Janeen laughed. "It was your appreciation.
You started to appreciate." Right, do I need
a reason to appreciate my parents? No, the appreciation
is so sure and profound that I don't need to state a
reason. I just know it so I appreciate it. That's it.

我很感謝Janeen, 雖然我和她只是通電話及email, 但我卻可以感
受到她對我的信任與關心, 有一天要寫信給她時, 我很自然就寫下了以下的話
給她, 那是我心裡的話, 毫不做作, 我自己也不覺得矯情, 雖然
跟Janeen未曾謀面, 我卻可以感受到她的愛, 就像天使一般, 守護著我:
謝謝您對我的信任. 我感覺您就像一位天使看護著我,
信任著我, 愛著我, 您就在那, 在我身邊.

I appreciate Janeen a lot. Although I just had phone
calls and emails with her, I could feel her caring and
trust in me. One day, when I was about to write her
email, I naturally wrote down the following words to her.
Those are words from my heart. No pretend feelings.
Although I never meet Janeen, I can feel her love like an angel
watching me:
Thank you for your believe in me. I feel that you
are like an angel watching for me, trusting me,
loving me, and just being there for me.

Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Janeen.
Thank you, everything. Thank you, experiences.
Thank you.

I love you.

2009年6月16日 星期二

⊕iReport的 "Blank when null"

Field Expression 寫成這樣:

(($F{item}.equals("空白"))?null:(new Double(($F{amt}.doubleValue()/$P{sum}.doubleValue())*100)))

"Blank when null"的checkbox要打勾, 這樣當欄位值檢查為null時, 欄位以 空白 顯示, 即使此欄為的型態為 Double, 仍可如此使用!

P.S. the version of iReport is: iReport版本 3.0.0

2009年6月6日 星期六

⊕"You Raise Me Up" by Connie Talbot

This song is going to be performed in Firemonster's
preschool graduation ceremony.

When I am down and oh my soul so weary
每當我心情低落, 我的靈魂如此疲憊
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
每當麻煩接踵而來, 我的內心苦不堪言
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
直到你出現, 陪我坐一會兒

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
你鼓勵我, 使我得以登上高山
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓勵我, 使我得以越過怒海
I am strong when I am on your shoulder
當我依靠你時, 我變得堅強
You raise me up.....to more than I can be

There is no life, no life without its hunger
沒有任何人的人生, 可以不經歷痛苦
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly
But when you come and I am filled with wonder
但當你出現, 我的生命便充滿驚奇
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity
有時候, 我以為我見到了永恆

You raise me up.....to more than I can be

This is a beautiful song that makes me think of my parents
when listening to it. They love me and my sister so much
that I don't know how it is possible that I can do
to them what they have done to us.

Even I am married and am the mother of a six-year-old boy,
they still do their best to take care of me, my family,
and my sister, her family.

Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Mom.
I love you. Thank you for raising me up.
I love you.

I like Connie Talbot's voice very much. She voice is like
angel's that soften my heart and ease my soul.
Thank you, Connie, for bringing such a heavenly like voice
to the world.

Lyrics of this song:

2009年6月4日 星期四

⊕"What is Inner Peace, Mom?"

Firemonster, the 6-year-old boy, asked me one day,
"Mom, what is Inner Peace?"
"What?" I replied with confusion. It doesn't sound
like a question from a 6-year-old kid.
"Inner Peace. Can you tell me what is Inner Peace?" He asked again.

So, it really is "Inner Peace" he was asking.
"Where did you know that term?" I asked.

He looked at me with a timid smile,
"From the movie, Kung-Fun Panda."

I see. But I watched the movie with him,
I didn't recall there was a scene with the
phrase "inner peace".

Anyway, I told him that it was a feeling
of peaceful in the mind. For example,
it's like you don't rush doing your homework
just to play your PSP. In your mind, it's ok
to play or not to play your PSP.

I am not sure if I answered him properly
or if he understood my explanation.
I guess he was satisfied with my answer,
because he didn't ask again.

Nevertheless, I am feeling more and more peaceful
moments when practicing Ho'oponopono lately.

Tuesday evening, Firemonster and I went to his
music class. Usually, I would be so busy in
watching his behavior during the class.
Although it is the type of class (moms stay in the classroom)
that encouraging kids to participate with the teacher, I
didn't want him to go too wild. I would advice him
before the class to ask him to behave himself.
I would correct him if he became too naughty.
I was usually nervously sitting in the classroom and
preparing to stop him for any misbehavior.

This Tuesday, as I would again open my mouth to call
my son to behave himself, I quickly realized that
I had to be 100% responsible for whatever my son
was doing. No matter they are good behaviors or
bad behaviors, I am responsible for all the
experiences. As long as I am responsible,
the Divinity will handle things from there.

Suddenly, I felt a great peace in me.
"Yes, why should I worry? Just surrender.
Let the Divinity deal with it." My mind and my
whole body relaxed.

My anxiety was gone. It seemed to me that Firemonster
sensed something at the same time. He was just as great
as he could be for the rest of the class. He sang well.
He played the piano well. He listened carefully to
the teacher. He followed teacher's instructions.
He concentrated a lot to the teacher. I got to enjoy
watching him and the other kids.

What a wonderful evening!

Thank you, Divine. Thank you for the inner peace I got.
Thank you for the great performance my kid had for the
Thank you.

I love you.

2009年6月2日 星期二

⊕"No matter what came up, look at yourself."--by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Almost every time I watched Zero-Limits
videos, my tears come out. When I practice
Ho'oponopono, my eyes usually get wet.
When listening to the "Daily Meditation" from
the Attract Miracles web site,
I always burst into tears.
I don't know why. I told my coach Janeen.
She told me that it was a feeling of gratitude,
and being grateful of everything.

After hearing what Janeen said, I have more
feelings to the sentence on the home page
of Abraham-Hicks web site: "You are loved."

Yes, we are loved. We are loved by the Divine.
Yes, I will continue on my cleaning with "I love you".
I want to do the cleaning non-stop.

Got a 20-inched wide screen monitor today!
It was about noon time. I went to microwave my
lunch box and saw two co-workers putting
a monitor into the storage room.

I asked, "What are you doing?"
They replied, "stock this monitor here."
"because we are not using it."
I then asked, "May I use it?". My monitor
is 17 inches. A wider monitor will be
more convenient for me to do programming.

"Of course, go ahead and use it.", they replied.
Then they even carried the monitor to my desk.

Oh, thank you. This brand new monitor
came to me from nowhere. Because it belongs
to a person who brought his own monitor,
I get to use this monitor.

This is the 2nd monitor that I upgraded in two months!
I was using a 15" monitor that I felt uneasy to read
while doing my programming. One day, I heard a worker
asking someone to use a 19" monitor. They then
packed his 17" monitor to the storage. I asked if they
would mind if I borrowed it. They said OK. So I got
that 17" monitor to replace my 15" one. Now it's the
brand new 20" monitor!

It was a surprise to me. Thank you.
Thank you. I love you.
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