Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年12月3日 星期四

⊕"A good act is a charity"(良好的行為是一種善行)

Each morning the Principal of my son's school,
Ms. Butler, gives the kids a spiritual morning talk.

I love to sit in my car and listen to her words of
wisdom because those are words of great love.

I feel lifted almost every time listening to her talk.

This morning Ms. Butler talked about good behavior/good act. She said,

"We donate, we volunteer, ..have we thought
about just being good to our surroundings is a charity too?
A good act is a charity because the good act ripples. When
we do something nice to somebody, the good act carries
the good influence and ripples to the world."

That was inspiring. Thank you so much, Ms. Butler.

Then as always, she ended her talk with,
"Boys and girls, let's make it a great day. The choice is yours."
It is one of my favorite quotes too.

I feel fortunate to have this wonderful Principal.

May God bless Ms. Butler, her staff, 
school kids, and the school itself 
with peace, health, and happiness.

2009年12月2日 星期三

⊕"The Clouds"(Chapter 30)-a story written by Firemonster

The following story is a story written by my son.
He wrote it at school today using his free time.

I read it and found it rather an interesting one.
I am proud of his writing, so post the story here and share
it with the world!

There it goes.

The Clouds
Chapter 30

Once upon a time, lots of clouds were speaking in a house.
One day, lots of clouds decided to go for a hike. So, they called
a company for hiking. There were lots of clouds working over there.

When they reached the mountain, everyone played. They
even saw spiders. Some clouds were scared. Some were bored.
Some were laughing. Then, on their way home, it was dark.

At home, they celebrated a happy day.
Then they went to bed.

The end.

What a nice and interesting story to me!
I hope you like it too.
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