Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2010年3月30日 星期二

⊕"I Can Do It!" San Diego The Mind, Body, Soul Retreat May 14-16, 2010

Hay House Inc. - 120 x 600 
I Can Do It! is sure to energize your mind, body, and spirit—the event has all you would ever want and more! Not to mention the breathtaking venue conveniently located right on the harbor in San Diego within walking distance of everything you need. Once you attend your first I Can Do It!conference, it won't be your last! I Can Do It!runs from Friday to Sunday, May 14-May 16, 2010 with optional Thursday Keynote and Friday Pre-Conference Workshops. Register here >>

The I Can Do It! conference supports you on your journey of personal growth and enlightenment, whether you stay for the entire weekend or just a single workshop. You'll delight in the interactive sessions as well as the personal book-signings with the authors. Let your soul get the nourishment it needs at the I Can Do It! conference and live your spirit! This is the conference that will change your life! Never before has there been such an assortment of seminar selections and experts in their fields in one setting. If it's enlightenment, awareness, and inspiration you want for your mind, body, and spirit, you've come to the right place! Register Now >>

2010年3月20日 星期六

⊕Happy Equinox! "Global Healing Meditation, March 20, Spring Equinox"

Today is the first day of Spring, the first equinox of this year.

It is a very spiritual day for meditation. Take 10-15 minutes
of today to meditate and to attune yourself to the spiritual
energies of the Earth.

Meditate as long as you can stand.
The longer you meditate, the more the spiritual energy you
will receive.


2010年3月17日 星期三

⊕Namaste! I bow to the Divine within you.

Today's sunshine was just gorgeous.
I felt like taking pictures for the tinny flowers of shamrocks
in the backyard.


Then I took pictures on the leaves, on the azaleas, and then on
other flowers that just amazed me.

The more pictures I took, the more grateful feeling I felt.

Looked at the Red color on each azalea. None of them
was wearing the same red color.

Looked at the Green color the leaves on the plants. They
were all green but were different types of green.

The splash of the sunshine produced so many different colors
on the petals of each flower, and on the leaves of each plant.

They were just so saturated with color and vitality.
I felt like experiencing abundance in the backyard of the house!

In a little corner of the azalea plant, I found a beautiful scene
that demonstrated perfect life cycle to me:
A bud getting to burst, a blossomy flower opening all its petals to
the sunshine, and a withering flower with falling petals. They were
all next to each other fulfilling their life's mission. They were all
in the Now, in the present.

They were just magnificent. I couldn't help myself but saying, "Namaste",
to these plants.

I appreciated the vital power within them. I appreciated the beauty of
the Nature. I praised the creativity of the Universe.
I appreciated myself for being able to allow the beauty
into my experience. I appreciated the joy and the peace when
taking pictures for them.

Namaste! Thank you. I praise the Divine from whom all blessings flow.


一直想筆記自己每天碰到的, 新學到的英文語彙,
這樣下次再碰到時, 就知道是什麼意思, 也會運用到
日常生活中了. 隨著時序推移, 這個 list 會不斷成長,
代表自己的語彙越來越豐富, 語言溝通的橋梁也越延伸,

學習到新東西很開心, 也讓我更留心
平常碰到的字, 雖然有些字可能對一些人來說,
是很簡單的, 但對我卻可能是新學習到的,
我將自己學習的態度開放, 不了解意思時,
馬上詢問並確定自己明白對方的意思, 也感謝


因為加州這裡講西語的人口眾多 (學校平常家
長會時, 都會有一位老師是特別當場口譯英文到西文,
給講西語的家長聽), 我也一直想把西語能力再
加強回來, 所以這裡就把西語的說法也一併加上,

最常使用的翻譯工具就是 Google Translate Tool,
Google Dictionary.

P.S. 因為是經驗中學習, 非關學術, 在學習的過程中,
我會依據經驗, 修正自己的理解程度, 若有不正確/不精準
的地方, 歡迎留言指導, 我會虛心學習並感謝您的指教.

friction; friction force fuerza de fricción
散光 astigmatism astigmatismo

女生, 就像說Girl/lady的意思 chica; muchacha; ...
輕推 gentle push codazo suave
acclimate v.
適應環境; 使服水土 aclimatarse
不間斷的; 持久的
perpetuo; continuo; eterno
partake v.
(eat/drink something 
that's offered to you)
participar; tomar parte
"All done!"
好了! (小朋友在教室調皮時, 
老師對著他們喊, "All Done!")
Todo hecho!



2010年3月16日 星期二


A new word invented by dear little Firemonster today...

What is "Frogest"?

Mom doesn't know.
Mom has to ask him.

Here is the answer from the inventor...
"A Frogest means a frog that looks like a frog a lot!", he said.

What does this mean?
Mom wants to comprehend.

⊕綠度母心經 Green Tara Mantra

2010年3月15日 星期一

⊕Prosperity to me

These are the pictures taken from both
the front and the backyard of the house.
They were taken either during the winter time (November, 2009)
or right now in the spring time (March, 2010).

They looked so prosperous to me and made me
feel grateful for the magnificent power of the

I will never forget the joy when I saw the first azalea,
the first rose, the shinning light on the leaves of the shamrock, 
the booming buds on the cherry tree, and the strong and healthy
leaves on the stems of the little yellow flowers (don't know
their names). They were just so beautiful and joyful.

Thank you, plants and flowers, for the bright joy 
and energy you brought me.

How wonderful the world is!
How beautiful the world is!

What a benevolent Universe we have!

Thank you, Divine, for all the abundance you're
supplying us here. Thank you.

2010年3月13日 星期六

⊕"What a Wonderful World!" (Louise Armstrong)

We were watching one of Madeline's movies and heard the song
at the end of the movie. Although it is the story about the 12 French
girls, and the "What a Wonderful World" song is an American song,
the content of the song matched so well with the spirit of the movie.

It is just so beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for this beautiful song.



答案: "Threading"!

今天中午經過一家美容美髮沙龍時, 先看到圖片,

先前在VallyFair的走道上, 也看到有人在挽面.
當時很驚訝, 因為生意好像滿好的! 可是那時沒看到
它的英文單字, 今天中午一連看到兩家都是

不知是現在灣區這裡很流行挽面, 還是是以前就有的服務?

我也是在台北士林住時, 看到菜市場附近好多阿姨,
上面放著修面修指甲的傢伙, 就忙得很起勁, 因為
幾乎每一攤都有人, 每一攤都在做挽面的生意!

不知為什麼, 看到這種景象, 常讓我很感動, 是
想到民國50年代那時候的台灣嗎? ......可是那時自己也
還沒出生啊? 總覺得路邊小板凳上, 坐著臉塗得白白的,
被挽面的人, 以及雙手及嘴巴咬著細線忙著做挽面的
阿姨阿婆們, 那樣的景象, 似乎讓時間停格,
讓我像看到了早期, 民風樸素的年代,
街頭巷尾親切的阿姨大嬸們, 忙裡尋得一段自在的
時光, 為自己的門面關照關照,

想到大阿姨, 我那既謙卑又一輩子努力, 為自己也為家人的
好長輩. 我們一起去日本玩, 坐渡輪時, 大家都在興奮的看海景,
只有阿姨自己默默站在甲板上, 念著大悲咒.

小時候, 讓大阿姨帶了一陣子, 還記得在大阿姨家東玩西玩, 後來
玩鐵鎚敲到大拇指, 阿姨很忙, 以前還看過她用石板及石錘洗衣服,
現在想想, 以前的長輩們都好可敬喔! 一天只有24小時, 但他們認份
辛勤, 一天做的事, 可能是我一個星期或兩個星期才做完的.
(不過, 我也在不斷進化中, 所以, I am continuing expending myself to be
more. 這是我很開心的地方, Yappi! 我也可以做很多很多很多的事呢!)

那是物質生活簡單, 吃苦若飴, 苦中卻能做樂, 且心靈豐足的年代.

大阿姨, 雖然我曾向您說過謝謝的話語, 但我知還不夠.
才四.五歲的我, 正是讓大人忙碌的年紀, 您也很忙碌,
自己一個人要照顧一大群小孩, 但您卻還願意幫媽媽帶我,
餵我吃早餐, 幫我穿襪子, 穿衣服, 帶我走很遠的路去上小學.

直到我長大結婚生孩子, 您還是不辭老遠要表哥載雞來給我

我工作賺錢, 還沒給過您幾次新年的紅包, 您就離開人世了.
雖然您的形體已不在, 但我相信您的精神仍在, 仍在關心著

現在我在想您, 我相信您感受得到. 阿姨, 謝謝您曾經照顧我,
感謝您的關心與照顧, 感謝您對我的祝福, 謝謝您.

獻上我的祝福給大阿姨, 祝福您的心靈與精神進化到更高層次.

謝謝您. 祝福您. 我愛您!

2010年3月10日 星期三

⊕"Ordinary Miracle (by Sarah McLachlan)"

Thank you, Divine, for each and every ordinary miracle we are receiving
everyday, in everywhere, and from everyone.

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