Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年10月30日 星期五

⊕Happy field trip to Ardenwood Farm

A drawing by my first grader son from his happy field trip to Ardenwood Farm..
I love it. I am proud of him. Thank you, son, for this wonderful drawing.

The Victoria Style Patterson House in Ardenwood Farm

The beautiful rose in the front door of the Patterson's House

2009年10月28日 星期三

⊕ 收到驚喜的收入 Talk about receiving unexpected money

One morning last week, when I was checking my emails,
I saw an email from Club Freedom.

Checked on that email and found out that I just got
$250 deposit into my account. That was a big surprise.
Besides having the Ad on my blog, I have not doing
any blogging to promote it yet. But somehow,
someone from the internet decided to join the club,
and I got the rewards from Club Freedom!

The following is a brief description of What Club Freedom is.
全球風尚CFD(Clubfreedom): 省錢、賺錢、還能免費環遊世界.....
The Club that lets you save money, make money, and travel around the world F R E E!

加入會員即享有全球90萬間飯店+機票+旅遊行程+郵輪優惠,終身只要: 250美金(一次性會費喔!),無額外及隱藏費用!!而且,將這樣的好事,推廣傳播給您願意與他她分享的人,即可重複獲得高達 90萬 的高額旅遊獎金,還可以賺取免費國外旅遊!


Today in my son's drawing class, the director of the drawing institute
visited the classroom. I have been volunteering to the class. I had no other
intention but to help the drawing teacher when I signed up as a volunteer.
I didn't know that I would end up to be at the same classroom as my son's.

That day after visiting the classroom, the director came to me and said,
"who is your son?" I pointed her my son.
Then she told me, "I am going to send you a check for his tuition."
"Why?" I asked.

She said, "It is a way that we thank you for helping out at the classroom."
"Wow, I didn't know that!" I said.

She smiled, "You didn't know and you still come and help."

Yes, I help the teacher and feel great every time when I think of
the grinning smiles on those kids' face.

So, that was another big surprise to me.

What I want to say is: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It's a wonderful world!

2009年10月16日 星期五

⊕To go with the positive flow..

To go with the flow...What I read from today's
Law of Attraction Quotation:
Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning. It's always flowing through you. You have the opportunity of opening to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow. Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you. It is optimum creative experience

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, October 21st, 2000 #229

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

2009年10月10日 星期六

⊕在美國發燒...多燒該喝 Motrin?

網路上找到的, 一個好用的華氏攝氏溫度轉換器(Fahrenheit to Celsius converter)

小朋友上周三半夜突然發燒, 找不到體溫計, 只好先睡冰枕,
看能否降溫, 可是覺得越來越燒, 好像都在說夢話了,
趕緊再找看有否退燒藥可服用, 終於找到退燒肛門塞劑,
這可是我第一次幫小朋友塞呢! 小朋友嚇哭了, 告訴他因
為發高燒需要趕快退燒, 真難為他了..

塞好後, 不久就發汗退燒了. 一覺到早晨, 看他精神不錯,
也吃了早餐, 沒發燒, 就送他上學, 並交代老師多注意他
的狀況後, 我也回家吃早餐了.

回到家裡, 還是想不懂小朋友為什麼會發燒, 沒什麼明顯的感冒症狀呀.

沒想到, 不到10:30, 接到學校電話說, 小朋友不舒服請我去帶回家,
趕到學校, 小朋友坐在辦公室, 留著鼻水, 紅著眼睛, 告訴我他覺得很冷,
全身都不舒服, 趕快帶他到離家最近的 El Camino Medical Group,
沒想到那裏只接受事先預約的, 護士給我他們 Urgent Care 的地址,
在 Mountain View, 所以再趕過去.

幸好, 等不到20分鐘就輪到我們了, 護士幫小朋友量體溫, 是華氏 101.8 度,
她拿了退燒藥給小朋友喝下去, 要我們等醫生來, 在候診間裡,
小朋友大概是發燒的關係, 一下就睡著了, 我一面顧著他,
一面在心裡不斷唸著 Ho'oponopono 四句話,
不知等了多久, 醫生進來了, 看起來像華裔的樣子,
不過他說的是美式英文, 而且是姓泰勒, 不是華裔的姓,
他與小朋友聊天, 取得小朋友與他合作, 沒想到
竟說了一點中文, 而且也知道我們的國家, 真讓人驚訝.

他先驗痰, 好像過了超過半小時吧, 進來告訴我,
檢驗結果是正常的. 我告訴醫生, 想要讓小朋友驗尿,
於是又超過半小時吧, 再進來告訴我,
檢驗結果是正常的. 醫生說可能是學校的Virus引起的.

這樣我比較放心, 於是我們回家.

先繞去買溫度計, 再去買退燒藥. 醫生打電話叮嚀,
用 Advil 或 Tylenol.
所以去Safeway找, 找不到小朋友的Advil,
就買Children's Motrin, 因為小朋友還吐了幾次,
妹妹再打電話叮嚀要保持水分, 所以再買了 Pedialyte.
回家趕快量體溫, 沒想到是華式104度, 小朋友累壞了.

我趕快幫他洗澡, 再喝下Motrin, 他馬上就睡著了.

這個晚上不斷叫他起床,尿尿,喝水,量體溫, 依泰勒醫生的吩咐,
15ml Motrin, 每六小時喝一次, 不要吃奶製品, 一直補充水分.
所以 6:30pm, 12:30am, 6:30am, 共喝了三次.

隔天一大早, 先接到泰勒醫生的電話關心小朋友情況,
他說若小朋友沒發燒了, 就不要再喝Motrin,

打電話到學校, 學校阿姨說讓小朋友在家多休息,

於是, 從6:30am到中午之間, 我一直給他喝水排尿, 量體溫,
到了約 1:00pm 時, 體溫約100度, 精神還好,
所以就沒再給他喝 Motrin.

傍晚6:30pm時, 小朋友很想睡覺, 溫度約華氏100-101度之間,
有時超過一些到 華氏101.4度, 這時, 我不知該不該給他吃 Motrin.

上網查, 我總結一下, 華氏98度左右為正常, 華氏 99-101度 為有些燒,
華氏 102度 以上就該吃退燒藥了.
華氏 101-102度 之間是家長該注意並判斷是否要給小孩吃退燒藥.

藥的說明上及泰勒醫生都有吩咐一天不要吃超過 4 次,
可能傷害肝liver, 所以這點是要多注意的.

所以我後來決定讓小朋友多喝水排尿解熱, 而不再餵藥.
隔天小朋友精神恢復一些, 再過一天又更好了.
飲食上, 謹遵醫囑, 不碰奶製品, 先吃稀飯, 配鹽巴, 然後
再加配肉鬆及海苔醬, 再加配青菜, 每餐增加一點, 再加配肉, 魚, 熱狗等,

謝謝護士及泰勒醫生的電話追蹤關心, 謝謝妹妹及妹婿的關心叮嚀, 謝謝小朋友的認真配合.

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