Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年12月3日 星期四

⊕"A good act is a charity"(良好的行為是一種善行)

Each morning the Principal of my son's school,
Ms. Butler, gives the kids a spiritual morning talk.

I love to sit in my car and listen to her words of
wisdom because those are words of great love.

I feel lifted almost every time listening to her talk.

This morning Ms. Butler talked about good behavior/good act. She said,

"We donate, we volunteer, ..have we thought
about just being good to our surroundings is a charity too?
A good act is a charity because the good act ripples. When
we do something nice to somebody, the good act carries
the good influence and ripples to the world."

That was inspiring. Thank you so much, Ms. Butler.

Then as always, she ended her talk with,
"Boys and girls, let's make it a great day. The choice is yours."
It is one of my favorite quotes too.

I feel fortunate to have this wonderful Principal.

May God bless Ms. Butler, her staff, 
school kids, and the school itself 
with peace, health, and happiness.

2009年12月2日 星期三

⊕"The Clouds"(Chapter 30)-a story written by Firemonster

The following story is a story written by my son.
He wrote it at school today using his free time.

I read it and found it rather an interesting one.
I am proud of his writing, so post the story here and share
it with the world!

There it goes.

The Clouds
Chapter 30

Once upon a time, lots of clouds were speaking in a house.
One day, lots of clouds decided to go for a hike. So, they called
a company for hiking. There were lots of clouds working over there.

When they reached the mountain, everyone played. They
even saw spiders. Some clouds were scared. Some were bored.
Some were laughing. Then, on their way home, it was dark.

At home, they celebrated a happy day.
Then they went to bed.

The end.

What a nice and interesting story to me!
I hope you like it too.

2009年11月30日 星期一

⊕an adventure to Monterey Bay Aquarium

We decided to visit Monterey Bay Aquarium in one of the Thanksgiving holidays.

With the guidance of GPS, we took 880 South, 17 South, 1 South, 
then arrived the aquarium in about 1 and half hour.

The Giant Octopus was our first must-see stop.
Then with the map in hand, we pretty much visited almost
each exhibit area, including watching a Jelly Fish presentation.

Giant Octopus

Beautiful Jelly Fish

Amazing Leafy Sea Dragon
This is the first time I saw this amazing creature. The way they move in the water is so graceful.

This was a wonderful trip for us. We learnt and appreciated knowing the 
magnificent creatures in the aquarium.

2009年11月26日 星期四

⊕Joan Baez - Gracias a la vida

Joan Baez is one of my daddy's favorite singers.
I started listening to her songs when I was very little.
Naturally, I like her too.

I like the simplicity that her figure presents and yet deep and powerful
meanings her songs convey to the world.

I like her passion and the love to the world.
I love the beauty in her voice.
I really like her.

I found this song from youtube.
She sang it with great passion and grace, as usual.
I think it is a great song to hear in Thanksgiving holidays.

I found the lyrics in Spanish and the translation in English in this web site:
Thank God. I can read both languages in one page! Thank the people who
contributed to this web site.

Thank you, Joan Baez.

2009年11月25日 星期三

⊕枯木新芽, 死而後生. It's rebirth.

I thank the lesson that the plants taught me this morning.
There are new shoots in the dried branch that I was planning
to remove. To my surprise, these new green shoots are
signals of life.
I thank you, God, for showing me the vitality from dried branches.
Where I think the only thing I see is dried, still branches,
incredible life power is happening.

It's rebirth.

今早在修剪花草時, 意外看到, 我一直以為枯掉的樹枝, 竟長出新葉!
這是我計畫要折掉的枯枝耶! 看到可愛的, 小小的綠葉, 小心地從
看似乾掉的樹枝縫冒出頭來, 我的心裡充滿感動與感謝. 造物主的力量
太神奇, 太偉大了, "死而後生", "浴火重生", 這些成語在我腦中浮現,

計畫要移除的枯枝 dried branches that were planned to remove

嗨! 大家好~ Hello World!

開心地呼吸新鮮的空氣~ Gratefully breathing fresh air

嫩綠的新葉們 new green shoots

2009年11月22日 星期日

⊕America! The Beautiful

前幾天小朋友在圖書館借了一本有聲書, 書名是"America! The Beautiful.",
放出來之後覺得非常好聽, 書中也介紹這首詩及曲的來源, 原來這首歌已經

這首詩是由Katharine Lee Bates這位女詩人(同時也是衛斯理學院的英文教授), 在
1893年紀錄她旅遊足跡到達處, 感受到的自然壯麗與對歷史人文事蹟的景仰,
爾後, 她的遊記彙集成了這首流傳百年之久的"America! The Beautiful."

我們這本有聲書配置的曲子是由 Samuel Augustus Ward先生所做, 就像Katharine一樣,
Samuel也是在旅行中受到這塊土地的瑰麗啟發, 哼出這首曲子. 聽說, 百年來,
經過無數次的比賽為這首詩重新譜曲, 但沒有一個曲子如Samuel先生做的這首如此

有趣的是, Samuel這首曲子於1888年出版, 但直到1904年, Katharine的詩及Samuel的曲
才被放在一起成為一首歌, 並到1910年才出版.

Samuel先生於1903年過世, 因此他並不知道自己的曲子成為美國人最愛的一首歌.

這是意境深遠且曲調優美的一首詩, 小朋友很喜歡聽.
在這裡附上Youtube上Willie Nelson及一群明星合唱的版本:


(lyrics by Katherine Lee Bates;
music composed by Samuel A. Ward)
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassion'd stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness.

America! America!
God mend thine ev'ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.

O beautiful for heroes prov'd
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life.

America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine.

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears.

America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

2009年11月21日 星期六

⊕Allen (part II)

There are two other Allen that I met so far.

One is the little boy next to my house. He is as old as my son.
My son likes to play with him and his sister in front of our house.
It was fun watching them play and communicate using kids'

Next one is one of my son's classmate. I guess he is
the tallest in the class. I used to think of him as a kid with
a temper. After volunteering some tasks in the class,
I found him a kid with a tender heart. His expression
of feelings is direct. He would give me a big grinning
smile or give me a big hug as a surprise.

I happened to see him pat goats in the Ardenwood farm.
It was such a gentle manner of Allen's. He was like talking
to the goat, then he told me the goat was sad. I looked
at the goat and felt his words true. From then on, I felt the
bridge between me and Allen was built.

I don't know why I wrote these about the three Allens.
This driver reminded me the first Allen, and the second, and the
third Allen I know of. So I felt like writing something about them.
That's all.

My bless to all three of you, Allen.

⊕Allen (part I)

Today when I was driving, the driver in front of me looked like
one of my ex-coworkers. His name is Allen. The image of the
driver's back reminded me of Allen.

Allen seemed to go to work early everyday, as early as like 6 am.
I wonder what he was doing so early? I had no intersection
with Allen at work until the end of that particular year.
There was a fund-raising/gift donation campaign that both of
us volunteer to involve to some activities.

We met, discussed, then made an appointment for our next meeting.
It was then I knew Allen came to work so early.

Usually Allen was modest, polite, and not talkative.
He was always on-time, punctuate. He seemed to be
a very self-discipline person and also wanted people
to treat him the same way.

One time after our discussion, he told me,
"Could you please not wear perfume, because
I have $%^&*, the smell of perfume is not good
for my body?"

In another occasion, everybody was in a team-building class.
A colleague was playing a joke on him and this person didn't know
he had offended him. Allen suddenly stood up, said something loudly
to this person, walked out of the classroom, and left the rest of
the class speechless.

I lost my contact with Allen after leaving the company.

The image of the driver's back this morning reminded me of Allen.

2009年11月9日 星期一

⊕A cup of coffee in the morning at Trader Joe's

上星期送小朋友上學後, 想到要買一些蔬果,
就直接開去 Trader Joe's 買.

不過有點早, 還不到9AM, 門還沒開呢. 可是讓我訝異的是,

為什麼呢? 店家也很仁慈, 看沒差幾分鐘, 就

我停好車, 也趕緊進去瞧瞧, 通常是有什麼 Sales 好康的,

走進去, 已看到有人拿著一小杯咖啡, 悠哉地邊喝邊 shopping 了.

再往裡面走進去, 聽到有人親切的招呼著: "新鮮的南瓜派, 快來嚐嚐!"
走過去, 看到一位男士, 很熱情地跟這位招呼的小姐道早安, 然後說:
"沒問題!", 這位小姐開心地回答, 然後又說:"別忘了配一杯剛磨好的現煮咖啡喔!"
天啊, 好像在招呼自己的家人耶.

看到如此景況, 尚未用早餐的我, 也趕緊向前拿了一份南瓜派, 不知是氣氛的關係,
還是真的很好吃, 我用兩小杯咖啡將南瓜派吃完, 覺得真的好好吃喔.

親切的小姐還跟我說: "謝謝", 並繼續說: "你知道嗎?

看了背後的營養成分列表, 真的有很豐富的維他命A耶, 買一份回家吃吃看吧.
(出乎我意料之外, 小朋友竟很喜歡吃 Trader Joe's 的南瓜派! 這個南瓜派

昨天中午時間, 想到火雞肉片沒了, 就再到 Trader Joe's 買,
咖啡仍然好喝, 不過試吃換成Brussels Sprouts, 也覺得很好吃,
並且容易料理, 買了一包回家試試看.

Trader Joe's 這家店是妹妹介紹的, 以前我除了去 Safeway 外, 就是到 Whole Foods.

Whole Foods主要是買有機蔬果及產品, 妹妹介紹的 Trader Joe's
是主要賣 有機產品, 兩者的差別在於, 後者走小型經營, 顧客親切的好鄰居商店形象,
價格也很親切, 也生產自己品牌的產品, 我才買了 Trader Joe's 的 Instant Coffee
回家喝呢, 還真好喝.

雖然這是Trader Joe's的一種行銷手法,
但我得承認, 這種 親切式行銷 還真常讓我感到開心呢!

Trader Joe'sWhole Foods 離我們家近, 所以現在我常到 Trader Joe's
買東西, 並享受這家親切的小店常常帶給顧客的一些驚喜!

2009年11月6日 星期五

⊕Inner Being

Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998 #250

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

2009年11月2日 星期一

⊕GPS, GPS, we love you!

I borrowed this Garmin nüvi GPS from my brother-in-law.
It turned out to be very handy for us.

I used a Gosget Papago in Taiwan, but never
relied on the navigator as much as I do here.

I can't imagine how I used to find all those places
in the United States back the time when all I had
was the AAA maps.

Now I use this GPS to find grocery stores, post
offices, and places like DMV offices.
It started to give us great fun when we sort of used
it to find nearby parks, and restaurants.

Since we always go to the parks that we know of,
this past weekend my son asked me, "Can we go see all the parks
in Sunnyvale?"

I thought it a good idea to do this adventure. So,
I tried to use the functions in the Garmin GPS
that listed us nearby parks in the city.

We started from the nearest, then the second closest, then
the next one.
We were like tourists visiting different places with fresh
minds. We found quite a few interesting parks around, like
Bradly Park, Fair Oaks Park, Victoria Village Park, Las Palmas
, Bayland Park, Ponderosa Park, Sunnyvale Community Center,
and Martin Murphy Jr. Heritage Park.

Our adventure will go on as long as we have a GPS.

I thank the person/group/company who invented this great device.
With this little gadget, we can go anywhere with its instructions.

Thank you. Global Positioning Service is Great.

2009年10月30日 星期五

⊕Happy field trip to Ardenwood Farm

A drawing by my first grader son from his happy field trip to Ardenwood Farm..
I love it. I am proud of him. Thank you, son, for this wonderful drawing.

The Victoria Style Patterson House in Ardenwood Farm

The beautiful rose in the front door of the Patterson's House

2009年10月28日 星期三

⊕ 收到驚喜的收入 Talk about receiving unexpected money

One morning last week, when I was checking my emails,
I saw an email from Club Freedom.

Checked on that email and found out that I just got
$250 deposit into my account. That was a big surprise.
Besides having the Ad on my blog, I have not doing
any blogging to promote it yet. But somehow,
someone from the internet decided to join the club,
and I got the rewards from Club Freedom!

The following is a brief description of What Club Freedom is.
全球風尚CFD(Clubfreedom): 省錢、賺錢、還能免費環遊世界.....
The Club that lets you save money, make money, and travel around the world F R E E!

加入會員即享有全球90萬間飯店+機票+旅遊行程+郵輪優惠,終身只要: 250美金(一次性會費喔!),無額外及隱藏費用!!而且,將這樣的好事,推廣傳播給您願意與他她分享的人,即可重複獲得高達 90萬 的高額旅遊獎金,還可以賺取免費國外旅遊!


Today in my son's drawing class, the director of the drawing institute
visited the classroom. I have been volunteering to the class. I had no other
intention but to help the drawing teacher when I signed up as a volunteer.
I didn't know that I would end up to be at the same classroom as my son's.

That day after visiting the classroom, the director came to me and said,
"who is your son?" I pointed her my son.
Then she told me, "I am going to send you a check for his tuition."
"Why?" I asked.

She said, "It is a way that we thank you for helping out at the classroom."
"Wow, I didn't know that!" I said.

She smiled, "You didn't know and you still come and help."

Yes, I help the teacher and feel great every time when I think of
the grinning smiles on those kids' face.

So, that was another big surprise to me.

What I want to say is: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It's a wonderful world!

2009年10月16日 星期五

⊕To go with the positive flow..

To go with the flow...What I read from today's
Law of Attraction Quotation:
Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning. It's always flowing through you. You have the opportunity of opening to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow. Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you. It is optimum creative experience

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, October 21st, 2000 #229

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

2009年10月10日 星期六

⊕在美國發燒...多燒該喝 Motrin?

網路上找到的, 一個好用的華氏攝氏溫度轉換器(Fahrenheit to Celsius converter)

小朋友上周三半夜突然發燒, 找不到體溫計, 只好先睡冰枕,
看能否降溫, 可是覺得越來越燒, 好像都在說夢話了,
趕緊再找看有否退燒藥可服用, 終於找到退燒肛門塞劑,
這可是我第一次幫小朋友塞呢! 小朋友嚇哭了, 告訴他因
為發高燒需要趕快退燒, 真難為他了..

塞好後, 不久就發汗退燒了. 一覺到早晨, 看他精神不錯,
也吃了早餐, 沒發燒, 就送他上學, 並交代老師多注意他
的狀況後, 我也回家吃早餐了.

回到家裡, 還是想不懂小朋友為什麼會發燒, 沒什麼明顯的感冒症狀呀.

沒想到, 不到10:30, 接到學校電話說, 小朋友不舒服請我去帶回家,
趕到學校, 小朋友坐在辦公室, 留著鼻水, 紅著眼睛, 告訴我他覺得很冷,
全身都不舒服, 趕快帶他到離家最近的 El Camino Medical Group,
沒想到那裏只接受事先預約的, 護士給我他們 Urgent Care 的地址,
在 Mountain View, 所以再趕過去.

幸好, 等不到20分鐘就輪到我們了, 護士幫小朋友量體溫, 是華氏 101.8 度,
她拿了退燒藥給小朋友喝下去, 要我們等醫生來, 在候診間裡,
小朋友大概是發燒的關係, 一下就睡著了, 我一面顧著他,
一面在心裡不斷唸著 Ho'oponopono 四句話,
不知等了多久, 醫生進來了, 看起來像華裔的樣子,
不過他說的是美式英文, 而且是姓泰勒, 不是華裔的姓,
他與小朋友聊天, 取得小朋友與他合作, 沒想到
竟說了一點中文, 而且也知道我們的國家, 真讓人驚訝.

他先驗痰, 好像過了超過半小時吧, 進來告訴我,
檢驗結果是正常的. 我告訴醫生, 想要讓小朋友驗尿,
於是又超過半小時吧, 再進來告訴我,
檢驗結果是正常的. 醫生說可能是學校的Virus引起的.

這樣我比較放心, 於是我們回家.

先繞去買溫度計, 再去買退燒藥. 醫生打電話叮嚀,
用 Advil 或 Tylenol.
所以去Safeway找, 找不到小朋友的Advil,
就買Children's Motrin, 因為小朋友還吐了幾次,
妹妹再打電話叮嚀要保持水分, 所以再買了 Pedialyte.
回家趕快量體溫, 沒想到是華式104度, 小朋友累壞了.

我趕快幫他洗澡, 再喝下Motrin, 他馬上就睡著了.

這個晚上不斷叫他起床,尿尿,喝水,量體溫, 依泰勒醫生的吩咐,
15ml Motrin, 每六小時喝一次, 不要吃奶製品, 一直補充水分.
所以 6:30pm, 12:30am, 6:30am, 共喝了三次.

隔天一大早, 先接到泰勒醫生的電話關心小朋友情況,
他說若小朋友沒發燒了, 就不要再喝Motrin,

打電話到學校, 學校阿姨說讓小朋友在家多休息,

於是, 從6:30am到中午之間, 我一直給他喝水排尿, 量體溫,
到了約 1:00pm 時, 體溫約100度, 精神還好,
所以就沒再給他喝 Motrin.

傍晚6:30pm時, 小朋友很想睡覺, 溫度約華氏100-101度之間,
有時超過一些到 華氏101.4度, 這時, 我不知該不該給他吃 Motrin.

上網查, 我總結一下, 華氏98度左右為正常, 華氏 99-101度 為有些燒,
華氏 102度 以上就該吃退燒藥了.
華氏 101-102度 之間是家長該注意並判斷是否要給小孩吃退燒藥.

藥的說明上及泰勒醫生都有吩咐一天不要吃超過 4 次,
可能傷害肝liver, 所以這點是要多注意的.

所以我後來決定讓小朋友多喝水排尿解熱, 而不再餵藥.
隔天小朋友精神恢復一些, 再過一天又更好了.
飲食上, 謹遵醫囑, 不碰奶製品, 先吃稀飯, 配鹽巴, 然後
再加配肉鬆及海苔醬, 再加配青菜, 每餐增加一點, 再加配肉, 魚, 熱狗等,

謝謝護士及泰勒醫生的電話追蹤關心, 謝謝妹妹及妹婿的關心叮嚀, 謝謝小朋友的認真配合.


2009年9月18日 星期五

⊕Live the moment. Enjoy each moment in life.

This is one of the windows in our bathrooms. I really enjoy looking out
from this window with the glory sunshine coming in from
the sky. It gives me a feeling of peace and joy every time I look
at the window.

I appreciate and enjoy very much the opportunity
sending/picking my son to/from his school.
I enjoy the time working on building my online business.
I enjoy the time accompanying my son playing in the park, watching
DVDs, or seeing a movie. I enjoy cooking meals for him. I enjoy
accompanying his class for the field trip to Sunnyvale library.
I enjoy smelling fresh grass in the backyard.
I had been working ever since graduating from school. Usually,
I had to prioritize and trade off times among tasks/my dear ones.

Now here I am. I got what I have been
looking for.
I am so grateful for all these little things.
I had been hoping for more times with the family members
and with myself.

It's true that WE attract what it is in our life.
That means, if we don't like it, we CAN change it.
The more we enjoy what we are enjoying, the more
we attract what we enjoy to our lives.

Thank you, Divine. Thank you. I love you.
Thank you.

Life is wonderful.

2009年9月16日 星期三

⊕The more I clean, the more space I create for my growth.

This morning I was working on trimming off
deadwoods from plants in the backyard.

One by one, I searched for dried branches or faded flowers to trim
from this plant to the other. I practiced Ho'oponopono while doing the
trimming task.

Those were unwanted stuff for the plants. However, if they don't
get not trimmed off, they may block the space for the plants to
grow prosperous.

Then I realized that the more cleanings I do, the more space
I can have for my growth and for being prosperous.

Thank you, plants. Thank you, dried branches.
Thank you for the time and the opportunity for me to clean.
Thank you for the lesson you taught me.
Thank you, Divine. I love you. Thank you.

2009年9月5日 星期六

⊕Coupons Coupons 優惠券 優惠券

沒想到使用Coupons的感覺, 如此令人開心與感謝.
我和小朋友已經用每周郵筒內附上的Coupon, 開心地去
享用了 Carl's Junior的Buy 1 Get 1 Free burger,
Burger King的Buy 1 Get 1 Free Breakfast,
Arby's Buy 1 get 1 free burger, Jack in the Box's Buy 1 get 1 free burger,
Sweet Tomato的大人用餐小朋友免費享用優惠券, 還有
Home Town Buffet的大人用餐小朋友免費享用優惠券.

餐點分量不因優惠券而有折扣, 我們兩個開心地到不同的餐飲店, 享受他們的擺設與食物,

感謝發明 Coupon 優惠券的人, 讓我們能以優惠的價格享受不同風味的食物.


Thank you, Universe.

2009年8月27日 星期四

⊕First day to school

First day of the elementary school..

The first grader Firemonster and his mom
took a picture in front of the administration
office (Aunt Sarah being the photographer).

Checking the classroom location..

2009年8月17日 星期一

⊕One week before leaving Taiwan

I was buying a cup of soft drink that day after filing my
application of quiting the job. While waiting on the sidewalk,
I turned my head and saw this view of Taipei 101 Building
standing at the end of the street. It used to be a common scene
to me. Now, I have no idea when I will be seeing it again.

Therefore, this photo was taken along with my mind at that moment.

⊕天佑台灣, 台灣加油. God bless Taiwan, my country.

Please join me to pray for Taiwan, for the people/areas
that suffered from Typhoon Morakot.

Donations, and Morakot News

Dear Divine,

Please extend your powerful support to
those in need, to those who are suffering
from Typhoon Morakot. There are lives waiting
for you to save them. There are areas waiting
for you to rebuild them.

Please comfort those spirits and strengthen
their minds. Please supply what they need.
I know you can. I know you will. Thank you.
Thank you.

I am sorry. Please forgive me.
Thank you. I love you.

I love you.

2009年8月14日 星期五

⊕Right Now

What I read today from Abraham-Hicks' daily newsletter..
It's so true that I cite their words here to remind myself to
always live in the NOW..

Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now--until it gets better right now!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002 #187
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

2009年7月23日 星期四

⊕"Practicing the Power of NOW"

"In every moment of our lives we are choosing.
What are we choosing? We choose if we are going
to react and engage when a problem comes up, or
if we prefer to let it go and let it be resolved by the
part of us that knows better.

--by Mabel Katz in "The Easiest Way"

The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff -- it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.

--by Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996

When I let go, I feel lighter.

"Let go and let God."

I am still trying to let go of my intention
to control (how things should happen),
to let go of my expectation, and to
let the Divine surprise me with the wisdom
beyond my imagination.

Yesterday, I was late. It was the day
I had to go to the office in ChungLi. I remembered
myself complaining not wanting to be late to my son
at the moment when I knew I would be late.

Even though noticing myself not as upset as before for being
late, I knew it bothered me. I was blaming my son. After sending
him to his summer school, I went on my way to work.
However, for about 5 minutes, I couldn't decide which transportation
to go with. I missed the High Speed Rail. The next one would be 30
minutes later. No express train for me to take at that time either.

How should I get to ChungLi in a faster way? By taxi? It would
cost me about one thousand to get there. I respect money.
I would not spend my money that way.

So I paused and paused on the pathway, didn't know what to do.

Then I remembered what Coach Janeen told me in
one of our coaching session...
"Welcome everything that comes to you.
Things happen FOR you

At that moment, I realized this situation
did happen for me. I have be reading "Practicing the Power of Now"
(修鍊當下的力量),by Eckhart Tolle

for several days. This was the perfect opportunity
for me to practice and to experience the NOW!

Strangely, I quickly calmed down. I thanked this
opportunity and decided to go ahead and
take the next High Speed Rail. Since I still
had plenty of time for the next rail, I could slow
down my pace and take my breath.

Eckhard Tolle asked us in "Practicing the Power of Now", "Do you
have any problem NOW?" No, I let go my worries of
being late and having to face my managers for being late.

It was true. At that moment, I didn't have any problem.
I would live in the NOW.

So, peacefully, I got to the High Speed Rail station,
bought my ticket, and waited for the rail.

With this peace, I was able to almost finish Mabel Katz's
book, "The Easiest Way"
on the rail.

Well, indeed, my manager approached me and adviced me
not to be late when going to ChungLi office. I know, I know,
peacefully listened to his words and quietly cleaned myself
for this problem. I thanked him in my mind for advicing
me in such a gentle way.

Thank you, Janeen, for reminding me to welcome/appreciate everything
that comes to me, and to live in the NOW.

Thank you, Divine, for giving me this opportunity to
experience the NOW.

With the greatest asset of NOW, instead of anxiously trying
to figure out why I was late, what caused me to be late,
I was able to read Mabel Katz's book with a peaceful
and grateful mind.

Thank you, Mr. Eckhart. Thank you, Ms. Katz.

Thank you. I love you. I love you.

Dear Firemonster, I am sorry for blaming you. I am sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I always do.

2009年7月15日 星期三

⊕The Now 當下

---by Eckhart Tolle

上星期我對 Janeen 說, 當我專注在當下時,
她回答我: 那我可能不是在當下, 我可能
想要到一個不是當下的地方, 實際上, 我所做的,
她問我, 知道什麼是當下嗎?

我很難回答, 因為我不確定我知不知道.

Janeen 也曾告訴我, "Welcome and love whatever
that comes my way." 這句話聽起來很簡單,
但實際上卻需要一些努力, 因為不管是高興的,令人生氣的,疲倦的,種種
事情感覺, 都去接受它, 歡迎它及愛它, 我想

因為 Dr. Joe Vitale 的文字及影音,
常提到 live in the moment, 當我
們活在當下時, 我們自然會知道接下來要做什麼事.

我想更了解他所謂的活在當下, 剛好博客來網路書店
在推一本書, "Practicing the Power of Now"
(修鍊當下的力量), 是Eckhart Tolle
我去訂了一本, 拿到書後, 讀了一章, 發現就像
在對我的心靈說話的一本好書, 所以又買了一本
送給噴火龍的科見幼兒園老師, 昨天訂購下載了 Mabel Katz
的"The Easiest Way" ebook
, 讀了一章,
發現她在書中也提到Eckhart Tolle的話,
其實, 好像很多事都是巧合, 卻似是宇宙巧妙的安排.

上星期 Janeen 要我建立自己的網站, 我想
先從免費網站先著手, 結果找到一個可申請個人專屬網址的
, 我申請了兩個試用(http://快樂媽咪姬娜豐盈人生.的分享平台.hk/,
做一個網站, 所以也為它申請一個專屬網站,
但是申請欄位上, 一定需要一個轉介的網址,
沒想到"眾裡尋他千百度, 那人卻在燈火闌珊處",
原來, 我用了Google服務幾年了, 最常用的
就是GMail, 可是Google有一個免費的協作平台,
我先前曾去玩過, 卻現在才想到及發現, 這是
一個絕佳的網站建置工具, 所以我利用它的Editor,
很快做出一個素食餐館的雛型網站, 也申請好專屬網址,
而且我也可以用此工具做出我的網站, 這不是很妙嗎?!

我原想為素食餐館建置網站, 結果卻因此發現並幫自己

2009年7月13日 星期一

⊕使用 SQuirrel 連接到 Informix 資料庫

今天開始進行開發另一個Project的功能, 這個系統使用的是Informix 資料庫,
我想要用 SQuirrel 連接到Informix, 上網找了一番, 終於找到這位好心的大哥,
除了將步驟寫出來外, 還加上畫面, 我按著他的步驟做,
最後成功連接到Informix DB! 謝謝您!


因為在設定 Alias 時, 折騰了一些時間, 所以在這邊, 再說明一下步驟:
1. 到 IBM 網站下載 Informix jdbc driver(https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/reg/download.do?source=ifxjdbc&S_PKG=30jc35&S_TACT=104CBW71&lang=en_US&cp=UTF-8&dlmethod=http) (假設你已安裝SQuirrel在你的研發環境了)

2. 在 SQuirrel 新增 Informix Driver: 將下載的 drivers 載入 SQuirrel
注意! URL欄位要這樣設:

3. 在 SQuirrel 新增連到 Informix DB 的Alias

4. 測試連結, 成功!

第2個步驟是我花最多時間的地方, 因為資料庫ID及資料庫那台機器的名稱混在一起,
就會怎麼連都連不上, 所以第2步驟設對了, 就完成90%的工作了!

2009年7月8日 星期三

⊕如何讓 iReport 產生 Excel 報表時, 欄位名稱列顯示ㄧ次就好了?

就是在產生Excel報表時, 欄位名稱那一列會像換頁一樣,
隔幾10列就出現一次, 我設了"print when"也沒效,
猜想可能是這張報表, 我用子母報表的方式完成,
因此, "print when" $V{PAGE_NUMBER} 或 $V{REPORT_COUNT}
在子報表就不發生作用吧?! .....不確定真正的原因.

在網路上找解答, 終於在以下這個網站上找到答案!
感謝這位仁兄, 解答了我的問題.

我照著改, 果然成功了, 子報表的欄位名稱那一列只出現一次!



如果把字段名放在ColumnHead区域, 那么输出到Excel, 会每个Page都显示一遍. 在设计Report时候, 一般会设定Page大小. 然而对于Excel, 这个Page设定仍然存在,而且往往很讨厌, 因为在Excel里, 通常希望得到连续的数据, 然而Jasper仍然会''自作多情''进行分页. 比如说, 设计JasperReport的时候, 设定page size为Letter, Portrait, 那么输出到Excel的时候每隔大约30行(具体取决于Field的高度), page header, column header, column foot, page foot 会被重复一次, 而且还附带一个高度为0的Excel Row, 表示Page Break的地方. 把字段名放在title band里, 可以解决字段名重复的问题, 当然page header也不要显示了.

2009年7月6日 星期一

⊕Money, I love you. Thank you, Money.

上個月統一發票中了一張兩百元, 讓我高興好久. :)

感謝基隆海關親切的服務人員, 從美國運回來的車子先繳的關稅,
通知我們可退一些稅回來, 因為我們屬於個人使用, 所以可退稅!
他們真的很親切喔! 我和爸媽什麼都不曉得, 可是他們很耐心
說明, 而且都一直面帶微笑. 去領車時, 車子電池沒電了,
他們的工作人員還幫我們充電不只一次呢! 真的很感謝他們!

鄰居要建房子, 共同壁的部分給爸媽一筆款項做補償.

今天下班後, 我想到將早上報上看到的,
我的, 先生的, 及噴火龍的今日星座幸運數字,
重疊的部分, 覺得好玩, 就選填在每五分鐘
開獎一次的賓果十星彩遊戲, 我寫了六個號碼,
所以就玩六星彩, 並且乘以二倍, 沒有特別的預期,
就是覺得好玩有趣, 就這樣,
結果, 中了四百元! 好開心喔!

再過幾天要發現金股利了. 謝謝公司. 謝謝支持我們公司的用戶.
謝謝股東們. 謝謝董事會. 謝謝我自己這麼認真的工作.

星期六要將租的公寓退租了, 房東告訴我, 還有兩個月的押金再退給我.
我謝謝房東將這麼好的房子租給我們, 算了算, 我們也住了兩年多了,
我們都很喜歡它, 生活機能好, 交通方便, 去河濱公園散步或玩都舒服.
我也跟房子說謝謝它, 我們都愛它, 讓我們住得這麼開心.

宇宙, 謝謝祢, 不斷向我揭示宇宙豐盈的本質.
不只是財富, 而是各方面都豐盈的本質! 謝謝祢.

Thank you, Universe.

2009年7月1日 星期三

⊕Ceeport 貼紙 Ceeport sticker

Ceeport 貼紙 Ceeport sticker

先在電腦螢幕上貼一張, 在識別證上貼一張, 在皮包裡貼一張,
在Moto手機上貼一張, 然後考慮要不要在Nokia那隻手機也貼一張,
為什麼考慮? 因為好幾天沒用那隻手機了, 好像是充電器壞了,
怎麼也充不到電, 只好擺著, 好幾天了.

想說這幾天都沒用它, 會不會就好了, 所以把充電器接上看能否充電,
結果發現充電器會發出小小的嗶聲, 又好像蜂鳴, 還是不行耶!

但自從讀了零極限這本書後, 一直在實行Ho'oponopono,
(by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len),
, 而且心裡覺得對不起充電器,
因為一直被我丟在地上, 於是就在充電器上貼一張, 然後,
接上手機充電, 嗶聲仍在, 我又在手機背面也貼一張,
按下手機開關, 還是沒反應, 但注意到嗶聲頻率好像有些變化
(後來發現是電線方向的關係), 可是手機螢幕還是暗的.

接下來的情形, 我只能說 Thank you, Divine. 真的.
因為手機螢幕還是暗的, 所以我心裡一面對充電器及手機說"I am sorry"外,
我是真的對它們感到抱歉, 為發生在我的內在,
連我自己都不曉得是什麼的因素, 造成它們都壞了. .....我感到很抱歉,
這段心裡的想法過程, 大約不到10秒, 當我才動念要把充電器插頭拿下來時,
手機螢幕竟然亮了! 我同時也發現充電器的嗶聲不見了!

是真的嗎?!!!! 我把手機拿起來, 再按一次開關, 然後,
我親愛的Nokia手機, 竟然啟動了!

完全正常, 而且不斷充電, 是巧合嗎? 不過我還是要說: "Thank you, Divine.
Thank you for taking care of this. I love you.
謝謝你, Ceeport貼紙."

你可以在 Business By You 網站上買到 Ceeport 貼紙, 我就是
在這裡買的, 同時, 這個網站上還有許多跟Ho'oponopono相關的影音書籍可以選購,
也有 Mable Katz 女士自己, 或她與Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len的對話影片可看.

對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Thank you, Divine. I love you.

2009年6月30日 星期二


周日按照新買的冰淇淋機附的食譜, 做了兩種口味的藍莓冰淇淋,
一種是黑糖牛奶藍莓冰淇淋, 另一種是阿華田藍莓冰淇淋,


我也吃了幾口 覺得真好吃耶!


因為吃了一部分才想到要拍照 覺得拍起來會不好看


2009年6月25日 星期四

⊕iReport 的 "Floating Column Footer" 可以做什麼?

先前負責的報表其合計列皆一併放入 Java Bean List 內 顯示,
可正常產生 Excel 及 PDF 格式報表.
I put query results to Java Bean List to display them
in iReport. Those reports could be generated in Excel and PDF format correctly.

後因合計之金額 依客戶需求公式更改, 並改以共用模組方式取得,
故於報表新增一列 "合計列"於 iReport 之 Summary 區塊.
Due to customer's changes in the formula of their Sum up amounts,
we then retrieved the amounts from a CUM(commonly used module).
Facing the changes, I decided to create a Sum up row in the Summary area of iReport.

如此變動後產生的報表, 於 Excel 格式仍如常顯示, 但於 PDF格式時,
卻多了一塊空白區域於 Detail 區塊 及 Summary 區塊之間.
After the changes, Excel formated reports could
still be generated as usual. However, a surplus space area got
generated while I was trying to create PDF reports.

不管將此"合計列"置於 iReport 中何區塊, 總是如此現象.
No matter which band in iReport I put this "Sum up" row,
the situation remained.

後想到此"合計列"屬 Column Footer, 移至 Column Footer 區塊應屬正確.
Then I thought, this "Sum up" belonged to Column Footer band.
Therefore, I moved it to that area, and I had confidence that I was right.

所以要做的事, 就是移除 Column Footer 及 Detail 區塊之間的空白,
此應屬 報表屬性 之設定, 故至 報表屬性 中尋找解法,
終於在最後一個Tab內的 "Floating Column Footer" 找到了!
The next thing would be to remove the surplus space between
"Detail" and "Column Footer" bands. I got the instinct that
I should check "Report Properties", and I did get the solution in the
last tab called "Floating Column Footer"!!!

將此選項打勾, iReport 就會處理不需要的空白區域,
並將"合計列"貼齊 Detail 區塊 顯示.
Checked this item(Floating Column Footer) and iReport would
take care of the surplus space.
It also aligned the "Detail" and the "Column Footer" band for me!

大功告成, 太開心啦!
I was so appreciated that this resolved the surplus space issue.
Thank you, Divine. I love you.

P.S. the version of iReport is: iReport 3.0.0

⊕"假如有我可以幫你寫的, 你要告訴我" "If I can be of any help to your homework, please let me know."

昨晚我聽到噴火龍說的, ㄧ句非常動人的話,
"爸爸, 假如有我可以幫你寫的, 你要告訴我."

這是他對他爸爸說的, 噴火龍爸爸告訴他, 自己還有很多報告還沒寫完,

這個六歲的小男孩, 竟不假思索的願意為他父親的學業課業負起責任!

我聽到了非常感動, 因為他正用行動告訴我Ho'oponopono的真諦:
愛, 與百分之百地為發生在自己生命裡的ㄧ切負責任!
他並沒有因為爸爸沒陪他而生氣, 他就是很直接地理解,

噴火龍爸爸愣住了, 後來他謝謝噴火龍的好意.

噴火龍. 我愛你. 謝謝你的提醒, 告訴我Ho'oponopono的核心精神.
我愛你. 謝謝你的教導, Divine. 我愛你, Divine.

Very touching words I heard from Firemonster last night
while he was talking to his father.
"If I can be of any help to your homework, please let me know."

Firemonster's daddy told him that he still had lots of reports
to be done. As soon as he heard his daddy saying that, Firemonster
replied with these words saying he would be willing to help Daddy

This 6-year-old boy was willing to be responsible to his
daddy's homework because of his love and caring to his daddy.

I was amazed by his courage and his thoughts. He was demonstrating
the core of Ho'oponopono to me: Love and be willing to take
100% responsibility of what is happening in our life.
He wasn't angry at his daddy for not accompanying him. He
simply understood his daddy and was willing to be responsible.

His daddy was speechless and then appreciated Firemonster
for his words.

Thank you, my son. Thank you for reminding me the core idea
of Ho'oponopono. I love you.

Thank you for the teachings, Dear Divine. I love you.

2009年6月24日 星期三

⊕Have a feeling in everything

自從開始練習 Ho'oponopono 後,
After starting practicing Ho'oponopono,
I feel myself becoming very sensitive.

怎麼說呢? 就是覺得自己很容易就被感動.
原子筆、車子, 甚至現在住的公寓等等,
I mean, I become so easy to get touched.
The refrigerator, the sofa, the table,
the monitor, my bicycle, my pens, even
the apartment that I am living in right now,
they all are like becoming parts of myself.

我對自己這麼長時間, 未曾注意到它們, 未曾感謝它們,
感到難過, 它們ㄧ直陪伴著我, 為我做事 想到這些,
I feel sorry for not noticing them
and not appreciating them for such a long time.
They have been there doing things for me.
Those thoughts drew my tears.

I asked Coach Janeen one time, "Why I became
so easy to be touched?" I wondered why.

Janeen 笑了, "那是你的感謝! 妳開始感謝了."
對啊, 我需要ㄧ個理由來感謝我的父母嗎? 不需要!
那感謝的情感是如此肯定且深切, 因此我不需要提出任何的理由,
來告訴自己我感謝我的父母. 因為我知道, 所以我感謝.
Janeen laughed. "It was your appreciation.
You started to appreciate." Right, do I need
a reason to appreciate my parents? No, the appreciation
is so sure and profound that I don't need to state a
reason. I just know it so I appreciate it. That's it.

我很感謝Janeen, 雖然我和她只是通電話及email, 但我卻可以感
受到她對我的信任與關心, 有一天要寫信給她時, 我很自然就寫下了以下的話
給她, 那是我心裡的話, 毫不做作, 我自己也不覺得矯情, 雖然
跟Janeen未曾謀面, 我卻可以感受到她的愛, 就像天使一般, 守護著我:
謝謝您對我的信任. 我感覺您就像一位天使看護著我,
信任著我, 愛著我, 您就在那, 在我身邊.

I appreciate Janeen a lot. Although I just had phone
calls and emails with her, I could feel her caring and
trust in me. One day, when I was about to write her
email, I naturally wrote down the following words to her.
Those are words from my heart. No pretend feelings.
Although I never meet Janeen, I can feel her love like an angel
watching me:
Thank you for your believe in me. I feel that you
are like an angel watching for me, trusting me,
loving me, and just being there for me.

Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Janeen.
Thank you, everything. Thank you, experiences.
Thank you.

I love you.

2009年6月16日 星期二

⊕iReport的 "Blank when null"

Field Expression 寫成這樣:

(($F{item}.equals("空白"))?null:(new Double(($F{amt}.doubleValue()/$P{sum}.doubleValue())*100)))

"Blank when null"的checkbox要打勾, 這樣當欄位值檢查為null時, 欄位以 空白 顯示, 即使此欄為的型態為 Double, 仍可如此使用!

P.S. the version of iReport is: iReport版本 3.0.0

2009年6月6日 星期六

⊕"You Raise Me Up" by Connie Talbot

This song is going to be performed in Firemonster's
preschool graduation ceremony.

When I am down and oh my soul so weary
每當我心情低落, 我的靈魂如此疲憊
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
每當麻煩接踵而來, 我的內心苦不堪言
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
直到你出現, 陪我坐一會兒

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
你鼓勵我, 使我得以登上高山
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓勵我, 使我得以越過怒海
I am strong when I am on your shoulder
當我依靠你時, 我變得堅強
You raise me up.....to more than I can be

There is no life, no life without its hunger
沒有任何人的人生, 可以不經歷痛苦
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly
But when you come and I am filled with wonder
但當你出現, 我的生命便充滿驚奇
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity
有時候, 我以為我見到了永恆

You raise me up.....to more than I can be

This is a beautiful song that makes me think of my parents
when listening to it. They love me and my sister so much
that I don't know how it is possible that I can do
to them what they have done to us.

Even I am married and am the mother of a six-year-old boy,
they still do their best to take care of me, my family,
and my sister, her family.

Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Mom.
I love you. Thank you for raising me up.
I love you.

I like Connie Talbot's voice very much. She voice is like
angel's that soften my heart and ease my soul.
Thank you, Connie, for bringing such a heavenly like voice
to the world.

Lyrics of this song:

2009年6月4日 星期四

⊕"What is Inner Peace, Mom?"

Firemonster, the 6-year-old boy, asked me one day,
"Mom, what is Inner Peace?"
"What?" I replied with confusion. It doesn't sound
like a question from a 6-year-old kid.
"Inner Peace. Can you tell me what is Inner Peace?" He asked again.

So, it really is "Inner Peace" he was asking.
"Where did you know that term?" I asked.

He looked at me with a timid smile,
"From the movie, Kung-Fun Panda."

I see. But I watched the movie with him,
I didn't recall there was a scene with the
phrase "inner peace".

Anyway, I told him that it was a feeling
of peaceful in the mind. For example,
it's like you don't rush doing your homework
just to play your PSP. In your mind, it's ok
to play or not to play your PSP.

I am not sure if I answered him properly
or if he understood my explanation.
I guess he was satisfied with my answer,
because he didn't ask again.

Nevertheless, I am feeling more and more peaceful
moments when practicing Ho'oponopono lately.

Tuesday evening, Firemonster and I went to his
music class. Usually, I would be so busy in
watching his behavior during the class.
Although it is the type of class (moms stay in the classroom)
that encouraging kids to participate with the teacher, I
didn't want him to go too wild. I would advice him
before the class to ask him to behave himself.
I would correct him if he became too naughty.
I was usually nervously sitting in the classroom and
preparing to stop him for any misbehavior.

This Tuesday, as I would again open my mouth to call
my son to behave himself, I quickly realized that
I had to be 100% responsible for whatever my son
was doing. No matter they are good behaviors or
bad behaviors, I am responsible for all the
experiences. As long as I am responsible,
the Divinity will handle things from there.

Suddenly, I felt a great peace in me.
"Yes, why should I worry? Just surrender.
Let the Divinity deal with it." My mind and my
whole body relaxed.

My anxiety was gone. It seemed to me that Firemonster
sensed something at the same time. He was just as great
as he could be for the rest of the class. He sang well.
He played the piano well. He listened carefully to
the teacher. He followed teacher's instructions.
He concentrated a lot to the teacher. I got to enjoy
watching him and the other kids.

What a wonderful evening!

Thank you, Divine. Thank you for the inner peace I got.
Thank you for the great performance my kid had for the
Thank you.

I love you.

2009年6月2日 星期二

⊕"No matter what came up, look at yourself."--by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Almost every time I watched Zero-Limits
videos, my tears come out. When I practice
Ho'oponopono, my eyes usually get wet.
When listening to the "Daily Meditation" from
the Attract Miracles web site,
I always burst into tears.
I don't know why. I told my coach Janeen.
She told me that it was a feeling of gratitude,
and being grateful of everything.

After hearing what Janeen said, I have more
feelings to the sentence on the home page
of Abraham-Hicks web site: "You are loved."

Yes, we are loved. We are loved by the Divine.
Yes, I will continue on my cleaning with "I love you".
I want to do the cleaning non-stop.

Got a 20-inched wide screen monitor today!
It was about noon time. I went to microwave my
lunch box and saw two co-workers putting
a monitor into the storage room.

I asked, "What are you doing?"
They replied, "stock this monitor here."
"because we are not using it."
I then asked, "May I use it?". My monitor
is 17 inches. A wider monitor will be
more convenient for me to do programming.

"Of course, go ahead and use it.", they replied.
Then they even carried the monitor to my desk.

Oh, thank you. This brand new monitor
came to me from nowhere. Because it belongs
to a person who brought his own monitor,
I get to use this monitor.

This is the 2nd monitor that I upgraded in two months!
I was using a 15" monitor that I felt uneasy to read
while doing my programming. One day, I heard a worker
asking someone to use a 19" monitor. They then
packed his 17" monitor to the storage. I asked if they
would mind if I borrowed it. They said OK. So I got
that 17" monitor to replace my 15" one. Now it's the
brand new 20" monitor!

It was a surprise to me. Thank you.
Thank you. I love you.

2009年5月25日 星期一

⊕ 跟 Ho'oponoponon 有關嗎? Are they related to Ho'oponopono?

No matter these events are related to my practice
of Ho'oponopono or not, I thank them for manifesting
as miracles in my daily life. Thank you. I love you.

(1) Received Timely Help
On the afternoon of 5/25(Monday), I received my order of a bread maker.
I didn't realize the size of the machine until I saw it.
I thought I could carry it and take MRT(Metropolitan Rapid Transit)
to go home. I was wrong. As I carried it and left the office building,
the heavy weigh of the machine box reminded me to think of
an alternative of going home.
"Maybe I should take a Taxi. But it is traffic hour...
I probably have to go across the street to get a Taxi.....
Oh Why don't I practice Ho'oponopono on my way of reaching a Taxi?"
I was murmuring while thinking what to do with the heavy box.

As soon as I had the idea of practicing Ho'oponopono,
I heard a voice from my back asking, "Do you need help?"

I turned my head and found an old lady with a bicycle.
She asked again, "It it not good for you to carry such
a heavy box. I can help you. Just put your box on my
bike, and hold the box as we walk forward."

I felt so thankful for the timely help. Thank you. Thank you.
Then she asked where I was going? I told her
I was trying to figure out how to get home with this big box.

She asked where I lived, and I told her, "Shi-Lin".
Then she paused to think and said, "Do you know there is
a direct bus line to where you're going?" I didn't know.
So she again walked me to the bus station with my big box.
To do that, we had to cross a wide busy road.

As we arrived the bus station, she waited there for me
to double check the bus line to my home. It was line 285.
The bus went even closer to where I live than MRT.
If I took MRT, I would have to change 3 lines and
take several escalators. With this bus line, I also
got to take a nap on the bus, because it was the direct
line home.

I was so thankful to the old lady for the big help she
offered me, and for accompanying me to the bus station.

Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Lady. I love you.

(2) A wonderful dinner at Cha-For-Tea restaurant
5/20(Wednesday) was the last day that I could redeem
my Cha-For-Tea coupon for a FREE luxury meal.
So I invited Daddy and Mommy to have dinner with us.

Usually, Daddy and Mommy would complain that the meals
at this restaurant were so expensive, and that we shouldn't
dine here too often, and bla bla bla...

I like dinning at Cha-For-Tea because they provide lite meals, meaning,
their meals are usually less salty and less oily. This restaurant
puts tea to all the meals/desserts to promote so called tea-meal culture.

I like to dine there because I feel their dishes are healthier to eat.
Besides, I like their service. They have excellent service staff.
They offer warm smiles, excellent food, and when asked for help,
they provide thoughtful service to customers.

Since I have been practicing Ho'oponopono lately, this time I said
"I am sorry. Please forgive me." phrases silently before and during
the meal.

I noticed that Daddy and Mommy seemed to be enjoying those dishes
while chatting with me. The atmosphere was relax, lite, and happy.
My son Tim was behaving so well that my Mom praised him a lot
during the meal.
I felt so grateful for having such a wonderful dinner.

Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mom.
Thank you, Tim. I love you all.
Dear Devine, Thank you. I love you.

(3)A happy welcome from Elevator
5/14 was the day that my office moved from building A to building B.
Since there would be a re-furnishing project for building A,
people have been moving since May from building A to B,
where building B has gone through the remodeling process.

There are two elevators in building B,
and one elevator in building A.
Imagine how busy these elevators were to serve the move.
On the day we moved, I heard people complained that
the elevators were not functioning properly.
For example, they might stop at the floor where
nobody pressed that floor button. Or when people were
expecting them to stop, they just wouldn't.

I thought of Ho'oponnopono.
Then I started to feel how exhausted these elevators were.
They probably had been so busy for two weeks or more, not
including the days that construction workers used them to ship
tools/materials/equipments. We packed them with moving
boxes, computers, and personal belongings without thanking them.

So I first said "I am sorry, please forgive me",
then "thank you", and "I love you" to each elevator
that I took. When there were people with me in the elevator,
I said those phrases silently. When only me in the elevator,
I let my voice out.

I just wanted to thank them for being so helpful, and to let them
know that I love them.

I think it was probably the next day of our move, as I walked
into one of the two elevators in B building, I immediately felt
a very happy welcome from the elevator.
I was the only passenger in the elevator.
It was like the elevator knew me. I really felt it.
The elevator happily welcomed me like welcoming an old friend.

I don't remember since when the elevators are functioning
back to normal. I know they are normal now.

I still greet to the elevator that I take.
I thank them for letting me know how powerful gratitudes can be.

Thank you, Elevators. I love you.

2009年5月18日 星期一

⊕ Feel the need to do Ho'oponopono

Even I have been playing "I love you" self-recorded audio during sleeping,
working, and walking hours for the past several days (about 3-4 days),
I am still having a very strong feeling of the need to do Ho'oponopono.

From watching one of the Zero Limits videos, I also learn two websites with products helping the cleaning in Ho'oponopono way:

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

2009年5月15日 星期五

⊕ 2009/05/09: 參加Miracles Coaching Program

2009/05/27: 因為端午節連假, 我跟她約提早兩天.
繼續我的limiting beliefs session,
教我對應limiting beliefs時的一些想法, 如:
感謝這些思想, 教導我要知足, 要感謝所擁有的.
Thanks for teaching me to be content.
Now I have learnt more. I am extending
myself to multiply my talent and abilities.
Thank you, beliefs. You are right.
Please allow me to be more, and to give more.
You are free to go now.

2009/05/22: 她教我愛我的部落格, 愛我所經驗的一切人事物.
不論是討厭或喜歡, 都去愛這些經驗與感受.
她問我 Ho'oponopono最重要的是甚麼? 是愛, 是無條件的愛,

2009/05/15 與我的coach Janeen 第一次電話會談, Janeen 是來自挪威呢!
但我想那是她的祖先, 因為覺得她的英文沒有甚麼特別的口音.
2009/05/09 參加Miracles Coaching Program

⊕Here's a scientifically proven way to attract miracles from Joe Vitale

This is the website (喬.維泰利博士的吸引奇蹟網站)
that helps me realize that Life is meant to be
perfect and wonderful (讓我體認生命的完美本質),
and it also contributed to the transformation of my life...

Here it is. Take a look, check out the website yourself,
and see how it's going to work for you.

P.S.  If you do not know who this person Dr. Joe Vitale is, google him
or search his videos on youtube. You'll be fascinating with what
you'll get in front of you.

From Dr. Joe Vitale.....

I know the news is reporting worse and worse things happening
all around the world it seems today.

I'm not going to focus on fear anymore, though and here's why.

Did you know that 23 scientific studies show that we can
help each other attract what we want?

I was surprised when I first heard about this, but over the
last 50 years independently verified studies have shown that
small groups of people holding intentions have lowered crime,
ended wars and improve the economy in their area.

It's fascinating to learn how much proof there is that this

There's even a formula that determines how large a group needs
to be to affect the population - and it takes just 8,185 to
affect the world's population!

The reason I'm telling you about this is because now there is
a website by Dr. Joe Vitale devoted to helping to gather
together more than 8,185 people to attract miracles.

Each member can ask for miracles, and the entire group can hold
the intention for much larger miracles, too.

If you haven't heard of Dr. Joe Vitale before, he's the best
selling author of The Attractor Factor and many other books, and
he's been featured in over 8 movies, including the hit The Secret!

Maybe you saw him on Larry King Live or The Donny Deutsch show on
CNBC or read one of his books or courses.

Oh, and in this web site, he includes a ton of his books, courses, audios, and more
for members of the community each month.

I'm very excited about this and I thought since we all could use
miracles right now in our lives that you would want to check it
out for yourself.

Take a look at:  Attract Miracles

Let me know what you think!

Joe Vitale

2009年5月10日 星期日

⊕ 妳以為妳的人生只有這樣嗎? You think "This is it" for your life?!

記得去參加愛.你.ㄧ.輩.子.021期志工培訓的第二天, 是吳娟瑜老師的演講,
光是她的開場就很特別, 對我來說, 因為我是坐在第一排,
所以我感覺, 她好像是飛進來一樣, 然後,
"搭..啦..! 大家好! 我是吳娟瑜! 吳娟瑜就是我!"
大家好像都愣住了, ㄧ下子還沒回神,
她就說, "來來來 請大家站起來 跟我ㄧ起動ㄧ動.."

大家你看我, 我看你 就站起來了, 然後.....
記得好像做了很多動作, 手足舞蹈的, 最後她要我們跟左右的夥伴,
互相擁抱, 還是握手之類的, 總而言之, 存在我腦裡的印象就是,
場子 呼!ㄧ下就熱起來了, 而且因為有肢體的互動, 大家好像變得親密許多,
彼此之間更自然更熟悉的氣氛與能量, 產生, 流動.

吳老師開始講了, 內容很嚴肅, 但她卻以非常生動活潑的方式進行, 穿插與
聽講者的互動, 我認為是位非常能吸引聽眾注意力的演講者.

當她提到, 她的孩子上大學後, 她深覺再進修及與世界接軌的必要性,
因此就申請到美國印第安那坡里斯大學(University of Indianapolis)的
應用社會學(Applied Sociology)研究所就讀,
我聽了, 不自覺的, "啥?!"了ㄧ聲, 心裡
想著, "小孩大學了, 再去讀研究所?" 沒想到, 我的驚嘆聲被吳老師聽到了,
她看著我說: "啥?! 妳以為妳的人生只有這樣嗎? 不 是 的!"

雖然我是個愛讀書, 喜歡成長, 大學雙修, 研究所也拿了兩個碩士,
卻似乎從沒想過, 在噴火龍上大學後, 再去讀研究所,

好像有啦, 一直想讀教育心理, 並且想再把西班牙文pick up回來,
然後再唸法文, 再學日文等等, 但卻未有行動.

吳老師的問話: "妳以為妳的人生只有這樣嗎?" 真像如雷貫頂,
喚醒了我, 是的, 我想要做的事好多耶!

很喜歡的一首張艾嘉的歌, "忙與盲", 以前喜歡它的旋律,
覺得好聽而哼唱, 現在卻常在轉接捷運時, 趕交通車時,
搭高鐵時, 腦中浮現裡面的歌詞, 似能真切感受其意境.

開了要關 關了又開 如此的慌張
我來來往往 我匆匆忙忙

忙忙忙 忙忙忙

盲盲盲 盲盲盲

忙忙忙 盲盲盲


記得以前的國文課本有一首詩, 是吳晟的"負荷":








兒時讀此詩, 只覺得文字很美,
現在為人母才知, 詩中字字句句都是為人父母對子女深切的情感,
也更加能體會自己父母, 對自己付出的關愛與過往的年輕歲月.

所謂養兒方知父母恩, 真是字字入裡.

感謝吳老師, 感謝愛.你.ㄧ.輩.子.的志工培訓, 感謝發起愛團的前輩們,
感謝我的父母, 感謝我的孩子, 感謝我的妹妹/妹婿,
感謝我的丈夫, 感謝我的公公, 感謝在我的生命裡曾經出現的每一個人,
事, 物, 您們的出現, 都讓我的生命更加豐富, 多彩, 都讓
我的靈性更加成長, 我會繼續努力, 謝謝你們.


2009年5月8日 星期五

⊕ "TappyBear"

今天早上發現一個網站, 它有一個產品叫做: "TappyBear"

就是將EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques)的幾個點放在玩具小熊的身上

An interesting website I found this morning,

Looks like it places EFT points as buttons on the Stuffy Bear's body.
Through tapping those buttons, kids(or even adults) are able to
release negative emotions (fear, angry, etc.) out from their mind.

This looks like a good tool and wonderful toy. I would like to order
one for Firemonster, and one for his cousin, Julie.

2009年5月6日 星期三

⊕ Surrender 完全地交付

這幾天在練習 Ho'oponopono 時,
心裡常出現一個字: Surrender, 我想那是告訴我, 放下心來,
奇怪的是, 昨晚看youtube上 Dr. Joe Vitale 的 The Awakening! 課程介紹時,
他竟然也提到這個字, 原因是我們的教育,訓練,背景,環境等,
什麼事都要先計畫好, 每天我們告訴自己:
今天我要做這做那; 我絕不要這個或那個;
這些評論或判斷有些可能與潛意識ㄧ致, 有些卻不是.

我們太忙, 以致常沒有時間靜下來, 聽聽自己心裡的聲音,
但可曾問問自己, 那些真是我們想要的嗎? 真的對我們好嗎?

但大我, 這個宇宙, 我們的靈性就不同了, 祂的智慧是無限的,
祂也知道什麼對我們是最好的, 怎樣的安排是最好的,

我們達不到我們想要的, 是因為我們還有一些過往錯誤的記憶,
造成我們達到願望的阻力, 這些就是Dr. Hew Len 說的垃圾(trash),
我們需要對一切負起責任, 我們需要面對並不斷地清除,清除,清除這些垃圾,
放下我們想要掌控一切的生活方式, 將ㄧ切交給智慧的宇宙,

這是我目前的體悟, 寫下來記在這裡,

其實在年初到美國時, 也有人對我說這樣的話語, 那就是溫梅桂牧師.
當時我和媽媽及噴火龍在餐廳用午飯, 旁邊桌有一位年輕人及太太,
我以為是寄宿家庭的媽媽及小孩, 因為男生看起來像亞洲人,
我轉頭ㄧ看, 嗄, 是那位墨西哥太太!?


2009年5月4日 星期一

⊕ I love you 我愛你

I love you 我愛你

當我不斷地說著: I love you 我愛你 時
有時心裡唸的會變成 滅定業真言
有時變成 準提佛母心咒
有時變成 觀世音或地藏菩薩聖號
有時變成 I am sorry. Please forgive me.
有時變成 Thank you. Thank you.
但我要記得提醒自己, 以開放的態度, 不斷的練習.

Dr. Hew Lan 對每個他看到接觸到的事物說: Thank you. I love you.

我這樣練習時, 世界變得很不一樣, 感謝人行道上的行道樹, 感謝馬路,
搭捷運時, 心裡對週遭壅擠的乘客說: I love you.
想到自己的家人, 心裡對他們說: I love you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

心裡湧出很大的感動, 感謝ㄧ切, 今早騎腳踏車上班時, 煞車的聲音很大聲,
在等紅燈時, 領悟到: 我的腳踏車需要我的關心與感謝, 感謝它的出現,
讓我可以每天載小朋友上學後, 再快速抵達捷運站. 我沒預期到會下雨時, 把它停在外面任雨淋,
因此雖然它還是個很年輕的腳踏車, 卻已有好多地方生鏽了, 這部親子腳踏車, 因為全身銀色,
我和噴火龍暱稱它為"小銀", 才買不到半年, 我們很喜歡它, 卻忽略了它需要保養與被感謝,
決定了: 今天下班後要將車子帶去上油保養.

2009年5月3日 星期日

⊕ Ho'oponopono

The Law of Attraction 吸引力法則 Ho'oponopono 荷歐波諾波諾


自從2007年11月我訂購了財富金鑰系統的有聲書學習後, 2007年12月加入USANA, 學習兼職經營一份事業, 然後2008年下半年在書店買了祕密(The Secret)的DVD看, 然後買了它的書, 然後又上網找書裡提到的一些觀念, 例如: 吸引力法則, 然後到youtube上找相關的影片看, 發現了Jerry and Esther Hicks, 所以又去買了他們的書來讀, 年底時又發現一本"向宇宙下訂單"的書, 買來讀, 發現效果真不錯! 我還買了一本送人呢! 在發現Jerry and Esther Hicks時, 在youtube網站上也看到ㄧ位名叫Louise Hay的影片與話語, 也很喜歡, 訂閱了她在youtube上的影片.

後來又再回去看秘密影片, 想到可在網上找裡面的主角的相關訊息, 就找到Dr. Joe Vitale, 去買了他的書, 書上有他的網站, 就連上他的網站, 訂了電子報, 他的內容平易近人, 也許有人認為太物質化, 但我認為很實用, 而且他的目標, 是要每個人相信自己在此生, 就能做到想什麼要什麼, 我想要的事物很多, 因此, 他的內容很容易就吸引我, 讓我想要學習更多裡面說的觀念, 然後實際用在自己身上, 而他的著作繁多, 所以看到這本介紹那本時, 就會再去找那本來讀, 就這樣接連買了好幾本, 然後某天好像是在某本書頁上又看到關於Raymon Grace的介紹與他的書, 所以又去買來看, 共買了三本:"你有能力改變未來","對我有用的技術-改善你生命的能量處理小課程","四月的季節:如何以另類教法,教育出一位出色的孩子", 他對宇宙,神靈,大自然的敬愛與謙和,慈悲, 都在字裡行間流露出來, 我讀了非常感動, 也反思自己平日的言行對週遭, 對自己親愛的家人, 在無心間傷害了他們的心靈, 卻不知道, 現在"四月的季節"這本書正借給噴火龍的老師看呢!

後來同事陳姐告訴我ㄧ個家長成長團體, 是由洪蘭教授在2007年所發起的, 叫做愛你ㄧ輩子, 不知這是巧合亦或宇宙的安排, 它的總團部竟就在以前我們住的公寓旁! 我仔細回想, 似乎它成立的那天, 我還和噴火龍在旁邊的志成公園騎著腳踏車玩, 當時看到ㄧ群感覺情緒很High的人, 在公園掛著氣球拉布條, 好似很忙卻又很興奮, 那應該就是這群人吧! 於是和陳姐ㄧ起參加了他們在2009年4月19日於福林國小舉辦的第21期志工培訓. 這期間, USANA夥伴Eileen介紹我一個關於旅遊/旅行會員俱樂部(Club Freedom)的經營模式(他們好像翻成全球風尚俱樂部的樣子), Club Freedom, 既可享受旅遊的優惠, 同時若介紹給朋友們加入它的會員的話, 還會將整個俱樂部的利潤回饋給會員, 並且是每天支付紅利! 這模式很吸引人, 於是我也參加了, 並且也介紹妹妹參加, 感謝Eileen在參加之前已做過詳細謹慎的評估與了解, 讓我很有信心地參加這個Club Freedom 全球風尚 自由旅遊/旅行俱樂部, 之前另一位USANA的夥伴婉瑜也參加了.

由於訂閱Dr. Joe Vitale的電子報, 所以也常會收到相關的出版訊息, 其實在讀他的"The Key"時, 就有讀到ho'oponopono, 但是當時感覺並不深刻, 後來加入了他發起的Attract Miracles 網站, 學習到meditation, 又到youtube上找相關的資訊影片, 又接觸到ㄧ本e-book, 叫"Give to Live", 不過書還沒開始看! 然後也發現了EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping technique, 就上面找到的教學影片練習了Ho'oponopono及EFT, 心裡都產生很大的感動, 又再續找相關的資訊, 然後訂購了Zero Limit的DVD, 已看了兩片多, 又聽了其中的mp3, 又發現原來在之前讀過的The Key裡已讀過此兩種療法, 又收到EFT World Summit的訊息, 上網聽了講師的課程, 雖然還沒聽完, 但這些似乎都在引導我去認識與探索它們, 要交給我人生富足與快樂的方法.

上周買了Dr. Joe Vitale的"零極限(Zero Limits)", 我深刻相信這些資訊來到我的面前, 雖然是我自己去找來的, 但這些資訊就像磁鐵一樣, 一個接著一個吸引過來, 教導我, 指導我, 要告訴我人生是完美的, 一切的需求都有可能實現, 只要我們懂得去尋求自己內在那強大無限的心念的力量.

謝謝宇宙! 謝謝Jerry and Esther, 謝謝秘密影片裡的導師們, 感謝 Dr. Joe Vitale 的書及影音產品, 謝謝 Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len 的慈悲教導.

這篇文章其實一直想寫, 因為想要把這一切的開始與學習做一個紀錄,

要修正外在一切的唯一方法, 就是對神性說: "我愛你"

一遍又一遍, 不停的對神性說:
I love you.
I am Sorry.
Please Forgive me.
Thank you.


2009年4月27日 星期一

⊕ 聽一堂價值三十九萬的課 (羅勃特 T.清崎)

同事轉寄的文章, 覺得很能啟發人心, 所以轉貼在此:
(上網找了一下, 似乎不容易找到文章的出處, 很多部落格都有這篇文章呢!...)

聽一堂價值三十九萬的課 (羅勃特 T.清崎)



喬吉拉德說:「每個人都有 250 位朋友, 80% 對你毫無幫助。」


2002 年4 月份,我到新加坡去參加全球暢銷書〈作者〉「富爸爸窮爸爸」羅勃特 T.清崎的理財課程,來回機票加上住宿和課程費用,大約花 39 萬台幣。

羅勃特 T.清崎在第一堂課就令我的印象十分深刻,他是全世界最會教導別人如何理財的大師,學員來自馬來西亞、新加坡、中國大陸和台灣、日本,大家十分興奮的準備聽他分享理財最重要的第一個關鍵。

羅勃特 T.清崎要每個人寫下 10位和自己最親近的朋友,大家感到一陣子的莫名,接著羅勃特 T. 清崎要大家寫下這10 個人的財務狀況,把所知道的一切詳細的寫下來,包括:他們有多少存款、多少房子、車子、每個月收入多少、有多少負債、 …… 等,再寫下他們跟你聊天時談到他們對金錢的看法 ……,盡你所能的寫下你身邊和你最親近的 10 個人,他們的財務狀況。

在場來自於 5個國家 300多位學員就認真的寫作業,羅勃特 T.清崎每隔 5-10 分鐘就要大家再寫多一點,就這樣寫了將近一個小時,終於把這10 位親近之人的財務狀況寫完了。

羅勃特 T.清崎問「現在各位知道為什麼了吧?」大家搞不懂他所指的意思,互相轉頭看了一看,羅勃特接著說:「你是否發現你和所寫的人財務狀況差不多呢?」

大家才猛然的覺醒,真的耶!資產 100 萬的人,他的朋友們大約也是 100 萬左右,有一間房子的人,他的朋友們也大多有一間房子,而使用信用卡循環利息的人,他的朋友們幾乎都處於負債的邊緣或狀態,接著羅勃特要大家分組彼此就剛剛所寫來的內容加以討論自己的心得,原來他所要傳達第一個最重要的觀念就是中國古老的重要思想,「物以類聚,人以群分,近朱者赤,近墨者黑」!

醫生的朋友們,通常也都是醫生; TAXI司機的朋友,通常也都是 TAXI司機;億萬富翁他們的朋友通常也都是億萬富翁;當老闆的人,他們的朋友通常也是一位老闆;得 SARS 的人,他的家人也會很快被傳染,因為人跟人之間本來就會互相的影響,尤其是言語和思想的傳染力是極為驚人的。

你為什麼會抽煙?因為是你的朋友拿煙給你抽;你為什麼愛打牌?因為你的朋友常常找你去打牌;你為什麼買賓士車?因為你公司的主管或同事也買賓士車;你為什麼會去讀 MBA?因為你的兄弟姊妹或朋友也讀 MBA ; 你為什麼渴望有百萬或千萬年薪?因為你看到身邊有人跟你做同一份工作,卻有如此耀眼的成績。



金氏世界紀錄〈銷售〉保持人喬吉拉德說:每個人都有 250位朋友,他們分別出現在兩種場合,一個是你的婚禮,一個是喪禮,而這些朋友有 80%是對你毫無幫助,他們通常不會給你正面、積極的影響,當你渴望有任何作為的時候,他們通常會澆你冷水,告訴你種種的壞處和各種失敗的可能。

有 20% 的朋友,他們是屬於較積極的,會給你正面的影響,而有 5% 的朋友則會幫助你,重大改變你的一生!所以, 你對朋友們不該一視同仁,你應該花80% 的時間跟那些會重大影響你一生,那5% 的朋友在一起。

當我們都討論完那篇「與我們最親近 10位朋友的財務狀況」後,羅勃特說:若我們想要改善我們的財務狀況的話,那一年至少要做一次檢討,每隔一年要重新寫下我們最親近的 10 位名單,因為要花多少時間和別人相處,是我們可以自行決定的,然而我們的朋友同樣是我們自己所選擇的,想想看,若你身邊的10 位朋友,他們不是身價億萬就是千萬,那過 5年之後,你的身價會是多少呢?


有錢的人大多剛開始也是一個不起眼的小角色,微軟的創辦人 Bill Gates ,大家都知道他讀哈佛大學、中途休學,在自家中的車庫開始創業; Dell 電腦的總裁 Michael Dell 也是在大學宿舍開始創業;台灣經營之神王永慶從賣米小弟做起;揚名國際的臥虎藏龍大導演李安,之前也在家中10 年苦寫劇本,靠朋友的接濟,他們大多都接受過貴人的幫助或提拔才會有今日的成就和影響力,在有今日的地位之前,他們真的也是不起眼的小角色,不同的是他們擁有夢想、擁有雄心壯志。


你可以這樣說:您好!我是某某人,我聽我一位朋友提起,您在方面有過人的成就,是否能請教您最重要的 3個關鍵是什麼呢?我是否能請您用餐?你最喜歡哪間餐廳呢?大多數的人都喜歡跟別人分享他們的成就,當你能認同他的成就,甚至點頭、做筆記、帶錄音機〈筆〉去錄下你們談話的內容,我相信你會獲得超乎你想像的結果!


美國人際關係權威哈維麥 卡說:「在這地球上,人與人之間的關係不會超過 6個人之間的相互關係」,也就是說,你的朋友的朋友的朋友〈 6 個人〉…… ,是成龍、是周潤發、是嚴凱泰、是張忠謀、是阿扁、是你想得到的任何人,你可以透過朋友的介紹認識更多你認為能幫助你的人。















伍思凱有一首非常成功的歌叫「分享」,有一段歌詞是:「與你分享的快樂,勝過獨自擁有至今我仍深深感動 … ..」,請問你的朋友究竟都「分享」些什麼給你呢?



妳 (你 )又分享些什麼給你的朋友 ?

有 5% 的朋友會幫助你,重大改變你的一生,花點時間認真找出你的貴人,跟緊他!

2009年4月19日 星期日

⊕ 我是一個可以讓地球變得更好的人

讀了 Mr. Raymon Grace 的 "Seasons of April",
我有一個啟發, 從開始讀這本書開始, 每天上午載噴火龍上學時及
每天晚上睡前, 我都會對他說: "謝謝你, 因為有你, 這個地球會變得更好!"
或, "這個地球因為有你, 會變成一個更好的地球"

結果, 昨天晚上噴火龍的爸爸在幫他洗澡時, 我聽到這樣的對話:
爸爸: "你是不是很愛搗蛋啊? " 噴火龍很正經的回答: "不是啊! 我是

謝謝你, Raymon Grace 先生, 雖然您不認識我, 但我卻因為你的書及教育
的方式, 而更感受到尊崇宇宙性靈的謙和態度的重要性, 我想, 是吸引力定律
吸引我讀到您的書, 而更加了解自己過去對教與養的錯用與迷思, 差點迷失在
自己過去經歷的填鴨式教育下的思考模式, 有時所謂的競爭力,
不過是重複訓練下的產物, 而不是小孩獨立思考而生的產品, 小孩和我們一樣,
來到這個世界, 都是獨立的個體, 不是僵化思考制度與價值觀的附屬品.

謝謝你, Raymon Grace 先生. 謝謝你的慈悲與愛地球的心.

謝謝你, 噴火龍, 感謝你對媽咪的耐心與啟發, 感謝你選擇我做為你的母親,
我會時時記得生下你時, 與你第一次見面的那一剎那,
我的心中對你的毫無保留與不帶任何條件的愛. 那最起初的愛.

讀給你聽的繪本裡, 有一段媽媽唱給寶寶聽的歌詞, 我自己編調子唱給你聽,
我感覺你很喜歡聽我唱給你聽, 因為媽媽愛你就像歌詞裡說的:


2009年4月14日 星期二

⊕ Ho'oponopono 荷歐波諾波諾

Ho'oponopono 荷歐波諾波諾

大約是兩星期前開始做 Ho'oponopono 的, 做了幾天後,
感覺不錯, 於是也帶著噴火龍做, 早上起床及晚上睡覺前.

這是我在看了 Dr. Joe Vitale 的演講後, 上網去找相關資訊,
在 youtube 可找到很多影片.

I'm sorry.
Please Forgive me.
I love you.
I thank you.

2009年3月27日 星期五

⊕ Follow the Flow

"Follow the flow"

我也玩了那最有名的太空山(Space Mountain).
而且, 玩了兩次.

去了好幾次迪士尼樂園, 卻從未玩過此設施.

聽妹婿說, 才知是很快的雲霄飛車.
因為要模擬太空中的情景, 所以全程在黑暗中,
你不知下一秒是往哪裡轉, 是往上還是往下, 往左還是往右.

婚前的我, 在克里夫蘭唸 MBA 時 曾和同學到有名的Six Flags Ohio樂園玩
此為美國有名的樂園, 尤其是它的雲霄飛車, 是玩家必玩經典的前幾名!

當時年輕, 喜歡速度, 所以一點都不覺得可怕.

光陰荏苒, 現在的我, 已婚, 是一個六歲小朋友的媽, 心裡直覺是: 不要去玩.

可是沒想到, 原本以為噴火龍會膽小不敢玩,
沒想到他竟興致勃勃地跟妹婿說: "I wanna try.".....with a big smile!

天啊~~~~ 妹婿也像個大孩子說: "OK, let's go!"

這...我怎麼放心兒子第一次搭雲霄飛車, 就是搭這麼快的太空山呢?
妹婿說: "Don't worry. I'll take care of him."

可是, 假如噴火龍在太空山上大哭呢?! 我心裡好擔心喔!!!!!
可是又擔心自己的身體,無法負荷那麼快的速度, 所以猶豫不敢去搭,
正可謂: 年紀大, 膽子卻變小了.

怎麼辦? 怎麼辦? 怎麼辦? 眼看著他們兩個開心的往太空山的方向走去,
就在這千鈞一髮之際, 一個聲音出現在我的腦海裡, 簡短, 卻有力:
"Follow the Flow", "Just Follow the Flow".

啊, 是宇宙回應我的擔憂與恐懼了:
Don't you worry, Jeanna. Just Follow the Flow.

於是, 我叫住他們, 告訴他們: "I'm going with you".

妹婿張大眼睛, "Jeanna, you don't have to...if you don't
feel comfortable riding Space Mountain, then don't go."

I said, "No, I'm going with you.", 帶著微笑.
Follow the Flow, 這話語, 竟讓我放下心, 感到平和, 不再擔心.

很快地, 輪到我們了, 妹婿選了第一排, 他和噴火龍一起, 我坐進第二排, 旁邊沒人.

開始了, 我放空自己, 告訴自己: Follow the Flow. 所以, 我把兩手舉起, 讓自己的
身體全然地隨雲霄飛車搖擺, 就好像自己是雲霄飛車的一部份一樣, 這樣,
完全自由的感覺, 不再害怕, 反而讓我盡情享受 Space Mountain 那宇宙般地美麗場景,
感受到宇宙的陪伴, 感受到宇宙對我們的愛護, 速度不再是速度,
發現自己不自覺地掉下眼淚, 是很感動,很開心的眼淚, 感謝著宇宙給我的指引,
感謝能夠和噴火龍一起搭乘Space Mountain, 感謝妹妹,妹婿陪我們一起來迪士尼樂園,

走出來, 看到即時攝影機拍下的照片, 哇, 我笑得好開心喔, 噴火龍則是開心的微笑著,
看到妹婿轉過頭微笑看著噴火龍, 這照片, 讓我太感動了, 這麼快的速度, 妹婿還能
分神來關心噴火龍, 我好感動, 感覺到他對噴火龍第一次搭乘雲霄飛車的關心, 謝謝你, Mark.

對我而言, 這是一次很大的突破, 感謝宇宙,
讓我得到一次全新地/開心地/自由地 Space Mountain Ride.

2009年3月19日 星期四

⊕ 我們的人生真的是自己"想"出來的

今天收到卡內基訓練電子報, 讀到一段Dale Carnegie的話,
覺得人生真是如此, 我們的人生真的是自己"想"出來的!

想到自己參加卡內基的訓練後, 想法及內心的改變, 後又再參加一次學長訓練, 當了ㄧ期的學長,
覺得收穫到的似乎比付出的還多! 而且了解到我們現在所遭遇的種種情況, 其實自己都要負責任,
都是源自於自己內心思考的展現. 也因為卡內基訓練, 我的世界又多了好多扇窗, 更明亮, 更快樂!
只要時間允許, 還想要再回去當學長.

Received the e-news from Carnegie Training today.
I feel so true while reading Dale Carnegie's quotes: Our thoughts create us. We have the control of how we want our life to be.

Ever after attending the training course from Dale Carnegie, I felt the change of myself inside out. I then became one of the class assistants for one later course.
I felt myself "receive" more than "give". Through these trainings, I also realize
that no matter what we are facing in our life, we have the responsibility to it.
What we are is the manifest of our thoughts. Because of the training from Dale Carnegie institute, I felt my world was opening up more windows to me with brighter and happier perspectives.

Dale Carnegie Training really changes my life, and opens up the next stage of my life to me.

If I am available, I would like to be its class assistant again.

It's a feeling of growing myself and at the same time helping others to grow, to become a better self.








2009年3月3日 星期二

⊕ 愛你一輩子守護團榮譽領航員智慧語錄

感謝同事陳姊的分享, 讓我知道這個團體, 很感人的一段影片, 讓我回想到自己初為人母的心情,
感謝老天, 我的生命, 因為孩子而更加豐富多彩.

感謝你, 我的小朋友, little Firemonster, 因為你, 讓我再次以小朋友的角度, 不帶偏剖, 真誠

2009年2月19日 星期四

⊕ Quotes from Science of Getting Rich

在youtube 上看到一個Video, 是覺得很棒,
是節錄 "The Science of Getting Rich" Book by Wallace D. Wattles的話,
thanks a lot to the person who made this video. It's so useful and inspiring.
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