Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2010年4月28日 星期三

"How Do We Love Others?"--by LOUISE L. HAY

Thank you, Louise Hay, for these words of wisdom.

I love what you said, "I bless you with love." and
the affirmation, "I open my heart to more love every day."

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Another powerful tool for healing all relationships—family, work, casual, or intimate—is “blessing with love.” When someone is doing something to disrupt the harmony of your life, bless them with love. You can do it several ways. You can say, “I bless you with love, and I bring harmony to this situation,” or “I bless you with love, and ‘I’ release you and let you go,” or “I release you to your highest good.

When we do this consistently, something happens on the unseen side of life, and the situation changes for the better. I have seen this process heal relationships of every type. Bosses have become pleasant, families express love, difficult people leave, intimate relationships become honest. Those of us who have practiced this blessing with love are delighted with the results.
Let’s affirm: I open my heart to more love every day.

2010年4月14日 星期三

Ceeport貼紙的由來: "Ho'oponopono — Clean, Erase, Erase — Ceeport®"


今天讀到在Mabel Katzblog的一篇文章,
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len寫的, 是寫他收到來自
Divine的Inspiration, 告訴他文字出處在哪裡, 並
如何組成 Ceeport貼紙 的故事.


很感謝Dr. Ihaleakala Hew LenCeeport貼紙,
我已經用了將近150張了, 每張Ceeport貼紙都像是一個提醒,
提醒我持續練習Ho'oponopono, 對經歷的每一件事付
100%的責任, 及感謝,愛,與"Let Go, and Let God".

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

2010年4月12日 星期一

⊕"南無藥師佛" "南無藥師琉璃光如來"

今天突然想到懷孕時, 同事高姐與我分享她的一些心得,
她告訴我, 有人教她懷孕時念"南無藥師佛"及
名號, 她照著做, 結果生產過程很順,
於是, 我也照著做, 尤其是開始陣痛及生產當天, 我心裡仍能
並配合學到的呼吸法呼吸(好像叫拉梅茲), 心裡一面對肚子內
的胎兒說話, 告訴他, 我很開心要見到他了, 請他跟我一起

我的感覺是, 當我念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"名號時,
好像就不痛了, 是一種放鬆舒服的感覺, 而拉梅茲呼吸法似乎也
讓我能在陣痛周期間, 得到舒緩的機會.

我不知是因為注意力在持名號上, 或在與胎兒談話上, 或是拉梅茲呼
吸法, 總之, 很感謝生產過程很平順, 好像待產約三小時胎兒就出來了.

我很感謝高姐的分享, 自己覺得念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"
名號的力量很強大, 對我的生產過程幫助很大, 鎮定我的情緒及舒緩身體的
緊張, 胎兒的性情也很穩定, 所以...感恩再感恩! 感謝藥師佛慈悲加持,
讓我生產順利, 母子均安.


2010年4月10日 星期六

⊕"Song for the inner Child" ~ by Shaina Noll

"Song for the inner Child" ~ by Shaina Noll

Thank you so much for the peace and love in the song, Shaina.

For more information about Shaina Noll:
Shaina's Youtube channel
her website: www.shainanoll.com

2010年4月8日 星期四

⊕Dr. Joe Vitale's Attract Miracles website.

Last year I was listening almost everyday to the daily meditation audio
Dr. Joe Vitale mentioned in the below messages.
The meditation lasts only about 20 minutes,
so I compensated some of my lunch time to do the meditation.

First several times of using the meditation audio,
I often liberally dropped my tears for feeling the
Love of the Divine, and for thanking the Love from
the Divine and Dr. Joe Vitale.

I thanked him from my heart for guiding the meditation, and for
sharing the audio.

The Attract Miracles Community in the website is also cool.
I was drawn to it by the scientific research results on the
power of group intentions. I believed it, so I joined it and found
greater resources than I expected.

Read his messages below and check out the site by yourself.
Here's my other blog post about this website:
the scientifically-proven-way

Let your intuition guide you.


From Dr. Joe Vitale's email newsletter--
What if you could magnify the power of your intentions
to transform your life AND literally change the world
at the same time?

Here's what I'm talking about.


Since The Secret movie came out, millions of people
around the world discovered that our thoughts and
emotions shape and create reality.

That's what I call 'Law of Attraction 1.0', or, using
the power of our thoughts to change our own lives.

Now, what would happen if literally thousands of
people combined their power together?

I'm talking about plugging YOUR mind into a giant
community entirely dedicated to shifting the vibration
of the world because it's time to think bigger.

That's 'Law of Attraction 2.0'.

Let me explain...

Over 23 scientific studies have shown groups of people
intentionally meditating have created measurable
results in...

* reducing crime
* increasing prosperity
* raising stock markets
* ending political conflicts
* lowering stress and anger
* and much, much more

When I learned that so much scientific evidence
supported intentional meditation, I wrote about it in
my best selling book, The Attractor Factor.

For the past year I've been building a 'miracles
meditation' community and we're ready to take what
we've learned and roll it out on an even bigger, and
better scale.

The largest intentional meditation group I'm aware
of was about 8,000 people.

I'm thinking bigger...

Let's see what happens when we get an even bigger
number of people together.

I know we can gather 10,000, so let's think bigger and
intend 100,000 people from around the world all
focused on attracting miracles for each other
and the world!


To jump start the project, I'm giving away one of my
most popular 'intentional meditation' audios in
exchange for participating the all new Attract
Miracles Meditation experiment.

To find out how you can get the audio absolutely FREE
right now and get the rest of the story, go to:


Think big and dare something worthy with me right now.

Would you take 20 minutes a day to relax, visualize the
life you truly desire, and by doing so, literally
change the vibration of the world we live in?

Who wouldn't???

I get phone calls and emails to my office every day
about how scared people are about the state of the
world today.

Now is the time to join our energy together. The
science has shown the way, it's up to you and me to
take inspired action today and do our part.

It's totally free to participate... and it feels great!

It's Law of Attraction 2.0.

And, it's a win-win, because you will benefit just by
taking the time out of your day to intentionally
meditate with me.

Go see at --




PS -- Remember, the basis for the site
is the scientific evidence that when a small
group of people hold an intention for you,
it tends to become reality FAST. There's
no woo-woo here. It's all results oriented.
Go see for yourself over at --


2010年4月2日 星期五

⊕"All Around The World" - by SEAY

It's such a blessing to hear this song and to watch this video.
Thank you so much for this song, Seay.

May there be peace and joy all around the world.
Thank you, Mother Earth. I love you.
Thank you, Universe. I love you.

Es una bendición escuchar esta canción y ver el vídeo.
Muchas gracias por esta canción, Seay.

Que haya paz y alegría en todo el mundo.
Gracias, Madre Tierra. Te amo.
Gracias, Universo. Te amo.

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