Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年10月28日 星期三

⊕ 收到驚喜的收入 Talk about receiving unexpected money

One morning last week, when I was checking my emails,
I saw an email from Club Freedom.

Checked on that email and found out that I just got
$250 deposit into my account. That was a big surprise.
Besides having the Ad on my blog, I have not doing
any blogging to promote it yet. But somehow,
someone from the internet decided to join the club,
and I got the rewards from Club Freedom!

The following is a brief description of What Club Freedom is.
全球風尚CFD(Clubfreedom): 省錢、賺錢、還能免費環遊世界.....
The Club that lets you save money, make money, and travel around the world F R E E!

加入會員即享有全球90萬間飯店+機票+旅遊行程+郵輪優惠,終身只要: 250美金(一次性會費喔!),無額外及隱藏費用!!而且,將這樣的好事,推廣傳播給您願意與他她分享的人,即可重複獲得高達 90萬 的高額旅遊獎金,還可以賺取免費國外旅遊!


Today in my son's drawing class, the director of the drawing institute
visited the classroom. I have been volunteering to the class. I had no other
intention but to help the drawing teacher when I signed up as a volunteer.
I didn't know that I would end up to be at the same classroom as my son's.

That day after visiting the classroom, the director came to me and said,
"who is your son?" I pointed her my son.
Then she told me, "I am going to send you a check for his tuition."
"Why?" I asked.

She said, "It is a way that we thank you for helping out at the classroom."
"Wow, I didn't know that!" I said.

She smiled, "You didn't know and you still come and help."

Yes, I help the teacher and feel great every time when I think of
the grinning smiles on those kids' face.

So, that was another big surprise to me.

What I want to say is: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It's a wonderful world!


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