今天早晨讀到一段文字, 覺得很不錯, 在網路上也看到有人貼在部落格上, 轉貼與大家分享~
I read these nice messages on my way to work this morning. I also found people post themon their blogs.
Forward them to you to share the power of these words~
加油喔! :-)
又是新的一天, 上蒼賜給我這新的一天,我做什麼都可以, 我可以浪擲虛度, 也可以小心珍重。
今天我要做的事非常重要, 因為我把生命中的一天和它交換, 當明天來到,今天永遠消逝, 填補它的空缺是我所完成的事。
我努力耕耘,不要損失; 我選擇善良,不要邪惡;我希望成功,不要失敗。
A New Day
This is the beginning of a new day.I have been given this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.What I do today is very important
because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever,leaving in its place whatever I have traded for it.
I pledge to myself that it shall be gain, not loss; good, not evil;
success, not failure.In order that I shall not regret the price I paid for this day.
*出處excert from: 菩曼仁波切傳記,p239-240