Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2007年4月12日 星期四

․"Google推出Google Notebook繁體中文版"


因為有申請Google帳號, 所以一兩個星期前發現有這個功能就開始使用了, 覺得還蠻方便的.
以前看到覺得值得參考的文章/link, 會 email 給自己閱讀及保存,
現在用 Google notebook 就可以了, 還可分享筆記給朋友~
不過還是要自己去試試看, 才知好不好用.

Since I got an Google acount, I started to use Google Notebook service a couple weeks ago.
I think it is quite easy and convinient to use.
I used to email myself interesting articles/news for future reference. Now I can use Google notebook easily. I can even share my notes with friends.
Well..better use the service yourself before taking my comments.

我覺得Google的一些功能可以去使用體驗看看, 不是為了追求新潮,
為什麼 Google會想到這種服務? 又為什麼它能把想到的服務實現(implement / realize)出來?
它是個 pioneer, 不是個 follower.

It becomes a habit for me to check out what new services Google has unleashed and to try out those new Google services. I use Google service not because of getting fad, but because
of desiring to feel the heart behind each service. The person whoever thought of the service
must be paying attention to on-line users' needs. I often feel it interesting to
figure out how and why Google can think of those services and get those ideas implemented.
To me, Google is a pioneer, not a follower.

想起以前到央圖找資料, 影印資料的經驗, 就覺得還是會感謝網路的發達及科技的進步,



Google推出Google Notebook繁體中文版
上網時間 : 2007年04月03日

Notebook與其他人線上協同作業,以及將筆記本公開其他網友瀏覽並使用。 ....


Notebook就可派上用場,化零為整。使用者只要登入www.google.com.tw/notebook,即可下載免費的Google Notebook。

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

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FireMoster 提到...

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