Almost every time I watched Zero-Limits
videos, my tears come out. When I practice
Ho'oponopono, my eyes usually get wet.
When listening to the "Daily Meditation" from
the Attract Miracles web site,
I always burst into tears.
I don't know why. I told my coach Janeen.
She told me that it was a feeling of gratitude,
and being grateful of everything.
After hearing what Janeen said, I have more
feelings to the sentence on the home page
of Abraham-Hicks web site: "You are loved."
Yes, we are loved. We are loved by the Divine.
Yes, I will continue on my cleaning with "I love you".
I want to do the cleaning non-stop.
Got a 20-inched wide screen monitor today!
It was about noon time. I went to microwave my
lunch box and saw two co-workers putting
a monitor into the storage room.
I asked, "What are you doing?"
They replied, "stock this monitor here."
"because we are not using it."
I then asked, "May I use it?". My monitor
is 17 inches. A wider monitor will be
more convenient for me to do programming.
"Of course, go ahead and use it.", they replied.
Then they even carried the monitor to my desk.
Oh, thank you. This brand new monitor
came to me from nowhere. Because it belongs
to a person who brought his own monitor,
I get to use this monitor.
This is the 2nd monitor that I upgraded in two months!
I was using a 15" monitor that I felt uneasy to read
while doing my programming. One day, I heard a worker
asking someone to use a 19" monitor. They then
packed his 17" monitor to the storage. I asked if they
would mind if I borrowed it. They said OK. So I got
that 17" monitor to replace my 15" one. Now it's the
brand new 20" monitor!
It was a surprise to me. Thank you.
Thank you. I love you.
對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Lo siento. Perdóname, por favor. Gracias. Te amo.
"When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds." 當我們願意為我們所經歷的一切負百分之百的責任時, 適合我們的及完美的一切, 即為我們顯現.--
今天終於了解Moodle block內的中文字串顯示變亂碼, 及中文字串, 如何對應到lang目錄內的php檔. 在我的 block php程式 (block_ge.php) 的 init() function內, 使用 get_string() function ...
友人送來一封信, 看了心很有所感, 貼在這裡, 與大家共勉.. Subject: 爸爸媽媽是會老的 爸爸媽媽是會老的 如果你在一個平凡的家庭長大 如果你的父母還健在 不管你有沒有和他們同住 如果有一天,你發現媽媽的廚房不再像以前那麼乾淨 如果有一天,你發現家中的碗筷好像沒洗乾淨...
"In every moment of our lives we are choosing. What are we choosing? We choose if we are going to react and engage when a problem com...