Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2007年5月30日 星期三

很累 Bored

覺得很懶 很無力
I feel tired, bored, lack of energy

很想離開目前工作 卻又不知下一步能做什麼
want to quit my current position..but don't know what to do next

I feel powerless

看到雜誌最近的一篇文章 訴說擔心被資遣/工作職務喪失/...等等年齡漸漸提早
read an article from a magazine, saying that the age of worrying about being laid off/position being replaced by others, ..etc is getting earlier.

這和我最近的感覺有些類似 不過 我主要是不想再做研發程式設計了
This is somewhat similar to what I have being feeling recently
However, what I mainly concern is..I need to get out of the programming life.

也想休耕一陣子 想好好整理自己 想過生活
I'd like to take a break for awhile
I'd like to get myself organized
I'd like to live my life

I'm so tired

想做創意 但自己有創意嗎? 能怎麼做呢
I'd like to be in the creativity area, but...am I creative?
How to?
Could it be my career? part of my career or all of my career?


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