Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年9月16日 星期三

⊕The more I clean, the more space I create for my growth.

This morning I was working on trimming off
deadwoods from plants in the backyard.

One by one, I searched for dried branches or faded flowers to trim
from this plant to the other. I practiced Ho'oponopono while doing the
trimming task.

Those were unwanted stuff for the plants. However, if they don't
get not trimmed off, they may block the space for the plants to
grow prosperous.

Then I realized that the more cleanings I do, the more space
I can have for my growth and for being prosperous.

Thank you, plants. Thank you, dried branches.
Thank you for the time and the opportunity for me to clean.
Thank you for the lesson you taught me.
Thank you, Divine. I love you. Thank you.


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