Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2007年5月30日 星期三

很累 Bored

覺得很懶 很無力
I feel tired, bored, lack of energy

很想離開目前工作 卻又不知下一步能做什麼
want to quit my current position..but don't know what to do next

I feel powerless

看到雜誌最近的一篇文章 訴說擔心被資遣/工作職務喪失/...等等年齡漸漸提早
read an article from a magazine, saying that the age of worrying about being laid off/position being replaced by others, ..etc is getting earlier.

這和我最近的感覺有些類似 不過 我主要是不想再做研發程式設計了
This is somewhat similar to what I have being feeling recently
However, what I mainly concern is..I need to get out of the programming life.

也想休耕一陣子 想好好整理自己 想過生活
I'd like to take a break for awhile
I'd like to get myself organized
I'd like to live my life

I'm so tired

想做創意 但自己有創意嗎? 能怎麼做呢
I'd like to be in the creativity area, but...am I creative?
How to?
Could it be my career? part of my career or all of my career?

2007年5月16日 星期三

iReading (愛閱讀)

剛剛看到 iReading (愛閱讀)這個網站, 才剛開站呢!
我喜歡看書, 所以當然會對這個網站有興趣囉!

它可分享自己正在看的書, 也可將心得放上去. 可是我試了搜尋功能, 卻
沒找到 the Laws of Simplicity. 為什麼呢?


2007年5月14日 星期一


想為周遭為社會做些事, 不想工作了.

覺得做的很沒意義, 工作對我來說是一種自我實現, 假如沒有這種感覺,
也不預期將來在這裡會有機會, 那我為什麼還要在此浪費時間?


2007年5月7日 星期一

Be focus

My interests are broad. For example, I like to read books, magazines, and websites in different subjects. I like subjects like (international)marketing, inspirational mindsets, working culture, software engineering, ethic, religious, creative innovation, electronic industry news, science, educational psychology, .., and so on. I like to listen to soft rock, natural, new era, and classical music. ...

However, my broad interests can be my disadvantages. Because I have insterests in so many things, I have many skills and knowledges. But, in current era, what I need is a domain knowledge. I mean, in my company, I guess, few people hold better English ability than I do and my bosses know that.
However, I feel that they don't care. What they want is a pure programmer who can write programs fast and efficient, and that's it. I like to do programming a lot, but I think it's almost the time that I should quit.

I want the feeling of achievement, being needed, and feeling able to contribute. But now, I don't have this kind of feeling.

2007年5月1日 星期二

In order to be free, we must learn how to let go.

A picture I saw from my Google ig (inspirational quotes)...

The words on the picture are very encouraging to me.

A lot of times I spent by holding on to the past is actually

consuming my energy to explore my potential to the future.

To some extend, it is also a way that I use for not taking

the step forward to do what I want to for myself.

I need to change.
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