Firemonster, the 6-year-old boy, asked me one day,
"Mom, what is Inner Peace?"
"What?" I replied with confusion. It doesn't sound
like a question from a 6-year-old kid.
"Inner Peace. Can you tell me what is Inner Peace?" He asked again.
So, it really is "Inner Peace" he was asking.
"Where did you know that term?" I asked.
He looked at me with a timid smile,
"From the movie, Kung-Fun Panda."
I see. But I watched the movie with him,
I didn't recall there was a scene with the
phrase "inner peace".
Anyway, I told him that it was a feeling
of peaceful in the mind. For example,
it's like you don't rush doing your homework
just to play your PSP. In your mind, it's ok
to play or not to play your PSP.
I am not sure if I answered him properly
or if he understood my explanation.
I guess he was satisfied with my answer,
because he didn't ask again.
Nevertheless, I am feeling more and more peaceful
moments when practicing Ho'oponopono lately.
Tuesday evening, Firemonster and I went to his
music class. Usually, I would be so busy in
watching his behavior during the class.
Although it is the type of class (moms stay in the classroom)
that encouraging kids to participate with the teacher, I
didn't want him to go too wild. I would advice him
before the class to ask him to behave himself.
I would correct him if he became too naughty.
I was usually nervously sitting in the classroom and
preparing to stop him for any misbehavior.
This Tuesday, as I would again open my mouth to call
my son to behave himself, I quickly realized that
I had to be 100% responsible for whatever my son
was doing. No matter they are good behaviors or
bad behaviors, I am responsible for all the
experiences. As long as I am responsible,
the Divinity will handle things from there.
Suddenly, I felt a great peace in me.
"Yes, why should I worry? Just surrender.
Let the Divinity deal with it." My mind and my
whole body relaxed.
My anxiety was gone. It seemed to me that Firemonster
sensed something at the same time. He was just as great
as he could be for the rest of the class. He sang well.
He played the piano well. He listened carefully to
the teacher. He followed teacher's instructions.
He concentrated a lot to the teacher. I got to enjoy
watching him and the other kids.
What a wonderful evening!
Thank you, Divine. Thank you for the inner peace I got.
Thank you for the great performance my kid had for the
Thank you.
I love you.
對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Lo siento. Perdóname, por favor. Gracias. Te amo.
"When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds." 當我們願意為我們所經歷的一切負百分之百的責任時, 適合我們的及完美的一切, 即為我們顯現.--
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