Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年6月6日 星期六

⊕"You Raise Me Up" by Connie Talbot

This song is going to be performed in Firemonster's
preschool graduation ceremony.

When I am down and oh my soul so weary
每當我心情低落, 我的靈魂如此疲憊
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
每當麻煩接踵而來, 我的內心苦不堪言
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
直到你出現, 陪我坐一會兒

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
你鼓勵我, 使我得以登上高山
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
你鼓勵我, 使我得以越過怒海
I am strong when I am on your shoulder
當我依靠你時, 我變得堅強
You raise me up.....to more than I can be

There is no life, no life without its hunger
沒有任何人的人生, 可以不經歷痛苦
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly
But when you come and I am filled with wonder
但當你出現, 我的生命便充滿驚奇
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity
有時候, 我以為我見到了永恆

You raise me up.....to more than I can be

This is a beautiful song that makes me think of my parents
when listening to it. They love me and my sister so much
that I don't know how it is possible that I can do
to them what they have done to us.

Even I am married and am the mother of a six-year-old boy,
they still do their best to take care of me, my family,
and my sister, her family.

Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Mom.
I love you. Thank you for raising me up.
I love you.

I like Connie Talbot's voice very much. She voice is like
angel's that soften my heart and ease my soul.
Thank you, Connie, for bringing such a heavenly like voice
to the world.

Lyrics of this song:


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