No matter these events are related to my practice
of Ho'oponopono or not, I thank them for manifesting
as miracles in my daily life. Thank you. I love you.
(1) Received Timely Help
On the afternoon of 5/25(Monday), I received my order of a bread maker.
I didn't realize the size of the machine until I saw it.
I thought I could carry it and take MRT(Metropolitan Rapid Transit)
to go home. I was wrong. As I carried it and left the office building,
the heavy weigh of the machine box reminded me to think of
an alternative of going home.
"Maybe I should take a Taxi. But it is traffic hour...
I probably have to go across the street to get a Taxi.....
Oh Why don't I practice Ho'oponopono on my way of reaching a Taxi?"
I was murmuring while thinking what to do with the heavy box.
As soon as I had the idea of practicing Ho'oponopono,
I heard a voice from my back asking, "Do you need help?"
I turned my head and found an old lady with a bicycle.
She asked again, "It it not good for you to carry such
a heavy box. I can help you. Just put your box on my
bike, and hold the box as we walk forward."
I felt so thankful for the timely help. Thank you. Thank you.
Then she asked where I was going? I told her
I was trying to figure out how to get home with this big box.
She asked where I lived, and I told her, "Shi-Lin".
Then she paused to think and said, "Do you know there is
a direct bus line to where you're going?" I didn't know.
So she again walked me to the bus station with my big box.
To do that, we had to cross a wide busy road.
As we arrived the bus station, she waited there for me
to double check the bus line to my home. It was line 285.
The bus went even closer to where I live than MRT.
If I took MRT, I would have to change 3 lines and
take several escalators. With this bus line, I also
got to take a nap on the bus, because it was the direct
line home.
I was so thankful to the old lady for the big help she
offered me, and for accompanying me to the bus station.
Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Lady. I love you.
(2) A wonderful dinner at Cha-For-Tea restaurant
5/20(Wednesday) was the last day that I could redeem
my Cha-For-Tea coupon for a FREE luxury meal.
So I invited Daddy and Mommy to have dinner with us.
Usually, Daddy and Mommy would complain that the meals
at this restaurant were so expensive, and that we shouldn't
dine here too often, and bla bla bla...
I like dinning at Cha-For-Tea because they provide lite meals, meaning,
their meals are usually less salty and less oily. This restaurant
puts tea to all the meals/desserts to promote so called tea-meal culture.
I like to dine there because I feel their dishes are healthier to eat.
Besides, I like their service. They have excellent service staff.
They offer warm smiles, excellent food, and when asked for help,
they provide thoughtful service to customers.
Since I have been practicing Ho'oponopono lately, this time I said
"I am sorry. Please forgive me." phrases silently before and during
the meal.
I noticed that Daddy and Mommy seemed to be enjoying those dishes
while chatting with me. The atmosphere was relax, lite, and happy.
My son Tim was behaving so well that my Mom praised him a lot
during the meal.
I felt so grateful for having such a wonderful dinner.
Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mom.
Thank you, Tim. I love you all.
Dear Devine, Thank you. I love you.
(3)A happy welcome from Elevator
5/14 was the day that my office moved from building A to building B.
Since there would be a re-furnishing project for building A,
people have been moving since May from building A to B,
where building B has gone through the remodeling process.
There are two elevators in building B,
and one elevator in building A.
Imagine how busy these elevators were to serve the move.
On the day we moved, I heard people complained that
the elevators were not functioning properly.
For example, they might stop at the floor where
nobody pressed that floor button. Or when people were
expecting them to stop, they just wouldn't.
I thought of Ho'oponnopono.
Then I started to feel how exhausted these elevators were.
They probably had been so busy for two weeks or more, not
including the days that construction workers used them to ship
tools/materials/equipments. We packed them with moving
boxes, computers, and personal belongings without thanking them.
So I first said "I am sorry, please forgive me",
then "thank you", and "I love you" to each elevator
that I took. When there were people with me in the elevator,
I said those phrases silently. When only me in the elevator,
I let my voice out.
I just wanted to thank them for being so helpful, and to let them
know that I love them.
I think it was probably the next day of our move, as I walked
into one of the two elevators in B building, I immediately felt
a very happy welcome from the elevator.
I was the only passenger in the elevator.
It was like the elevator knew me. I really felt it.
The elevator happily welcomed me like welcoming an old friend.
I don't remember since when the elevators are functioning
back to normal. I know they are normal now.
I still greet to the elevator that I take.
I thank them for letting me know how powerful gratitudes can be.
Thank you, Elevators. I love you.
對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Lo siento. Perdóname, por favor. Gracias. Te amo.
"When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds." 當我們願意為我們所經歷的一切負百分之百的責任時, 適合我們的及完美的一切, 即為我們顯現.--
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