Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年11月21日 星期六

⊕Allen (part II)

There are two other Allen that I met so far.

One is the little boy next to my house. He is as old as my son.
My son likes to play with him and his sister in front of our house.
It was fun watching them play and communicate using kids'

Next one is one of my son's classmate. I guess he is
the tallest in the class. I used to think of him as a kid with
a temper. After volunteering some tasks in the class,
I found him a kid with a tender heart. His expression
of feelings is direct. He would give me a big grinning
smile or give me a big hug as a surprise.

I happened to see him pat goats in the Ardenwood farm.
It was such a gentle manner of Allen's. He was like talking
to the goat, then he told me the goat was sad. I looked
at the goat and felt his words true. From then on, I felt the
bridge between me and Allen was built.

I don't know why I wrote these about the three Allens.
This driver reminded me the first Allen, and the second, and the
third Allen I know of. So I felt like writing something about them.
That's all.

My bless to all three of you, Allen.


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