Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998 #250
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther
對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Lo siento. Perdóname, por favor. Gracias. Te amo.
"When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds." 當我們願意為我們所經歷的一切負百分之百的責任時, 適合我們的及完美的一切, 即為我們顯現.--
Today is the first day of Spring, the first equinox of this year. It is a very spiritual day for meditation. Take 10-15 minutes of today...
今天解決了 IIS 7 "設定錯誤 無法讀取設定檔案,因為權限不足" 的問題. 感謝偉大的網路, 讓我找到解法: 1. 檢查看看檔案夾是否是唯讀, 不可以是唯讀 我在IIS 管理員 console內, 將wwwroot及我站台的目錄 ...
今天發現報表有一個問題, 就是在產生Excel報表時, 欄位名稱那一列會像換頁一樣, 隔幾10列就出現一次, 我設了"print when"也沒效, 猜想可能是這張報表, 我用子母報表的方式完成, 因此, "print when" $V{P...
2009年11月6日 星期五
⊕Inner Being
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