Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年11月25日 星期三

⊕枯木新芽, 死而後生. It's rebirth.

I thank the lesson that the plants taught me this morning.
There are new shoots in the dried branch that I was planning
to remove. To my surprise, these new green shoots are
signals of life.
I thank you, God, for showing me the vitality from dried branches.
Where I think the only thing I see is dried, still branches,
incredible life power is happening.

It's rebirth.

今早在修剪花草時, 意外看到, 我一直以為枯掉的樹枝, 竟長出新葉!
這是我計畫要折掉的枯枝耶! 看到可愛的, 小小的綠葉, 小心地從
看似乾掉的樹枝縫冒出頭來, 我的心裡充滿感動與感謝. 造物主的力量
太神奇, 太偉大了, "死而後生", "浴火重生", 這些成語在我腦中浮現,

計畫要移除的枯枝 dried branches that were planned to remove

嗨! 大家好~ Hello World!

開心地呼吸新鮮的空氣~ Gratefully breathing fresh air

嫩綠的新葉們 new green shoots


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