Ho'oponopono Cleaning Tool


2009年11月26日 星期四

⊕Joan Baez - Gracias a la vida

Joan Baez is one of my daddy's favorite singers.
I started listening to her songs when I was very little.
Naturally, I like her too.

I like the simplicity that her figure presents and yet deep and powerful
meanings her songs convey to the world.

I like her passion and the love to the world.
I love the beauty in her voice.
I really like her.

I found this song from youtube.
She sang it with great passion and grace, as usual.
I think it is a great song to hear in Thanksgiving holidays.

I found the lyrics in Spanish and the translation in English in this web site:
Thank God. I can read both languages in one page! Thank the people who
contributed to this web site.

Thank you, Joan Baez.


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