這幾天幫主任做好一個報名系統, 並將其連結網址放上系網首頁.
主任提出說想要讓文字訊息可以跳動, 造成有活動的效果,
原以為要用JavaScript寫呢! 後來上網找相關資訊(search: bouncing text),
結果找到了這個好用的Marquee html tag.
在這兩個網頁找到顯示使用Marquee tag 及更改其attribute可產生的效果的一些方法.
問了主任, 他說對對對, 這就是他要的效果, 而Marquee也是他所要
真開心, 又學到一個好用的tag. 而且主任說這個html tag已經存在很久了喔!
謝謝主任, 讓我多認識一個Html tag. :)
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left">快來報名囉! </marquee>
它預設是 bahavior attribute是 "scroll", 並會從右至左移動出去,
所以將其 bahavior 設為 "alternate", 且方向 "direction" attribute
設為 "left", 就會造成文字看起來像左右滾動的效果.
還可以設scrollamount attribute 去改變文字移動的速度喔! 酷吧 :).
對不起. 請原諒我. 謝謝你. 我愛你.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Lo siento. Perdóname, por favor. Gracias. Te amo.
"When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds." 當我們願意為我們所經歷的一切負百分之百的責任時, 適合我們的及完美的一切, 即為我們顯現.--http://www.self-i-dentity-through-hooponopono.com/index.htm
It's such a blessing to hear this song and to watch this video. Thank you so much for this song, Seay. May there be peace and joy all...
寶寶問媽媽: 樹公公為什麼這麼高ㄚ? 媽媽: 因為樹公公有喝ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ ㄚ, 喝ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 就會長這麼高了. 媽媽(得意): 所以你要長高就要喝ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ, 知道嗎? 寶寶: ..., 樹公公為什麼要喝ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ ? 媽媽: 因為它要長高ㄚ 寶寶: ..., 樹公公為什麼要長高...
2010年12月22日 星期三
Moodle 相關資源
我好幸運呀, Moodle竟是票選2011年排行前10大要學的工具呢!
(reference: The Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 List)
Moodle References:
plug-ings to Moodle:
(reference: The Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 List)
Moodle References:
plug-ings to Moodle:
Tech tricks 技術分享
2010年12月10日 星期五
好感恩, 好感動.
中午飯後沒有回辦公室, 去了學校圖書館, 找了一個位子靜坐休息,
看到那麼多訂閱的各領域的雜誌書籍, 還有好豐富的兒童區藏書,
心裡覺得好感恩, 好感動命運的安排.
先前待的公司雖屬台灣百大企業, 藏書也很多,
但較鎖定科技理工類, 而這裡是大學圖書館,
所以各種的書籍都有, 連兒童區的藏書, 都不只是中文,
還有好多的外文兒童故事書! 感受到生命豐盈與快樂, 不斷地
來到我們的生命體驗中, 並且持續的伸展與延伸.
這兩天天氣較冷, 前晚洗澡時, 蓮蓬頭熱呼呼的水, 讓我升起
很幸福的感覺, 而這幸福的感覺又牽引更多幸福的感受體驗, 例
如: 腳踏車升級成變速的了; 現在的工作讓我同時能學習到ASP.NET
及PHP; 自己的英文能力不僅能提供給學生有價值的學習, 回饋給社會(volunteer),
也為自己開啟的一個新的收入源與機會; 好朋友又介紹新的朋友讓我認識; ...
What a wonderful life and I know more amazing
things are coming to me too!
I am so grateful for everything!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
看到那麼多訂閱的各領域的雜誌書籍, 還有好豐富的兒童區藏書,
心裡覺得好感恩, 好感動命運的安排.
先前待的公司雖屬台灣百大企業, 藏書也很多,
但較鎖定科技理工類, 而這裡是大學圖書館,
所以各種的書籍都有, 連兒童區的藏書, 都不只是中文,
還有好多的外文兒童故事書! 感受到生命豐盈與快樂, 不斷地
來到我們的生命體驗中, 並且持續的伸展與延伸.
這兩天天氣較冷, 前晚洗澡時, 蓮蓬頭熱呼呼的水, 讓我升起
很幸福的感覺, 而這幸福的感覺又牽引更多幸福的感受體驗, 例
如: 腳踏車升級成變速的了; 現在的工作讓我同時能學習到ASP.NET
及PHP; 自己的英文能力不僅能提供給學生有價值的學習, 回饋給社會(volunteer),
也為自己開啟的一個新的收入源與機會; 好朋友又介紹新的朋友讓我認識; ...
What a wonderful life and I know more amazing
things are coming to me too!
I am so grateful for everything!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
2010年11月22日 星期一
這次參與的計劃, 目前決定用private cloud來執行,
在什麼平台呢?....答案是: Moodle
原想全部理解、開發完後, 再記錄下來.
但發現, 應該要一邊開發一邊記下學習心得, 較能完全記錄學習軌跡.
所以, blog要再度開工囉.
在什麼平台呢?....答案是: Moodle
Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.
原想全部理解、開發完後, 再記錄下來.
但發現, 應該要一邊開發一邊記下學習心得, 較能完全記錄學習軌跡.
所以, blog要再度開工囉.
Tech tricks 技術分享
2010年11月15日 星期一
2010年8月9日 星期一
Cow King story I: "Cow King was born "- by Tim
This is what I will write and this
is what you have to know first.
Before Cow King was born, his dad
was the only Cow General in the world.
One day Cow King's mother delivered
two babies. One was a baby boy, and
the other was a baby girl.
The parents named the baby boy
as "Cow King" and the baby girl
as "Miss Cow".
Time went by.
By the time when Cow King reached his 15th birthday,
he was already as tall as his mom (6 feet tall).
On his 15th birthday, his parents told him that they had
a present for him. They said his present was a place. They
told him to go there. Well, he went to the place told by his
parents, and saw a door. Then, he went into the door, and
saw a table inside.
On that table, he saw a scroll that hasn't been looked by
anyone before. He opened the scroll, and saw a secret.
What was the secret that Cow King found?
.........to be continued.
Kids writing
2010年4月28日 星期三
"How Do We Love Others?"--by LOUISE L. HAY
Thank you, Louise Hay, for these words of wisdom.
I love what you said, "I bless you with love." and
the affirmation, "I open my heart to more love every day."
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I love what you said, "I bless you with love." and
the affirmation, "I open my heart to more love every day."
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Another powerful tool for healing all relationships—family, work, casual, or intimate—is “blessing with love.” When someone is doing something to disrupt the harmony of your life, bless them with love. You can do it several ways. You can say, “I bless you with love, and I bring harmony to this situation,” or “I bless you with love, and ‘I’ release you and let you go,” or “I release you to your highest good.”
When we do this consistently, something happens on the unseen side of life, and the situation changes for the better. I have seen this process heal relationships of every type. Bosses have become pleasant, families express love, difficult people leave, intimate relationships become honest. Those of us who have practiced this blessing with love are delighted with the results.
Let’s affirm: I open my heart to more love every day.
2010年4月14日 星期三
Ceeport貼紙的由來: "Ho'oponopono — Clean, Erase, Erase — Ceeport®"
今天讀到在Mabel Katz的blog的一篇文章,是Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len寫的, 是寫他收到來自
Divine的Inspiration, 告訴他文字出處在哪裡, 並
如何組成 Ceeport貼紙 的故事.
很感謝Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len及Ceeport貼紙,
我已經用了將近150張了, 每張Ceeport貼紙都像是一個提醒,
提醒我持續練習Ho'oponopono, 對經歷的每一件事付
100%的責任, 及感謝,愛,與"Let Go, and Let God".
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
2010年4月12日 星期一
⊕"南無藥師佛" "南無藥師琉璃光如來"
今天突然想到懷孕時, 同事高姐與我分享她的一些心得,
她告訴我, 有人教她懷孕時念"南無藥師佛"及
"南無藥師琉璃光如來"名號, 她照著做, 結果生產過程很順,
於是, 我也照著做, 尤其是開始陣痛及生產當天, 我心裡仍能
並配合學到的呼吸法呼吸(好像叫拉梅茲), 心裡一面對肚子內
的胎兒說話, 告訴他, 我很開心要見到他了, 請他跟我一起
我的感覺是, 當我念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"名號時,
好像就不痛了, 是一種放鬆舒服的感覺, 而拉梅茲呼吸法似乎也
讓我能在陣痛周期間, 得到舒緩的機會.
我不知是因為注意力在持名號上, 或在與胎兒談話上, 或是拉梅茲呼
吸法, 總之, 很感謝生產過程很平順, 好像待產約三小時胎兒就出來了.
我很感謝高姐的分享, 自己覺得念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"
名號的力量很強大, 對我的生產過程幫助很大, 鎮定我的情緒及舒緩身體的
緊張, 胎兒的性情也很穩定, 所以...感恩再感恩! 感謝藥師佛慈悲加持,
讓我生產順利, 母子均安.
她告訴我, 有人教她懷孕時念"南無藥師佛"及
"南無藥師琉璃光如來"名號, 她照著做, 結果生產過程很順,
於是, 我也照著做, 尤其是開始陣痛及生產當天, 我心裡仍能
並配合學到的呼吸法呼吸(好像叫拉梅茲), 心裡一面對肚子內
的胎兒說話, 告訴他, 我很開心要見到他了, 請他跟我一起
我的感覺是, 當我念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"名號時,
好像就不痛了, 是一種放鬆舒服的感覺, 而拉梅茲呼吸法似乎也
讓我能在陣痛周期間, 得到舒緩的機會.
我不知是因為注意力在持名號上, 或在與胎兒談話上, 或是拉梅茲呼
吸法, 總之, 很感謝生產過程很平順, 好像待產約三小時胎兒就出來了.
我很感謝高姐的分享, 自己覺得念"南無藥師佛"及"南無藥師琉璃光如來"
名號的力量很強大, 對我的生產過程幫助很大, 鎮定我的情緒及舒緩身體的
緊張, 胎兒的性情也很穩定, 所以...感恩再感恩! 感謝藥師佛慈悲加持,
讓我生產順利, 母子均安.
2010年4月10日 星期六
⊕"Song for the inner Child" ~ by Shaina Noll
"Song for the inner Child" ~ by Shaina Noll
Thank you so much for the peace and love in the song, Shaina.For more information about Shaina Noll:
Shaina's Youtube channel
her website: www.shainanoll.com
2010年4月8日 星期四
⊕Dr. Joe Vitale's Attract Miracles website.
Last year I was listening almost everyday to the daily meditation audio
Dr. Joe Vitale mentioned in the below messages.
The meditation lasts only about 20 minutes,
so I compensated some of my lunch time to do the meditation.
First several times of using the meditation audio,
I often liberally dropped my tears for feeling the
Love of the Divine, and for thanking the Love from
the Divine and Dr. Joe Vitale.
I thanked him from my heart for guiding the meditation, and for
sharing the audio.
The Attract Miracles Community in the website is also cool.
I was drawn to it by the scientific research results on the
power of group intentions. I believed it, so I joined it and found
greater resources than I expected.
Read his messages below and check out the site by yourself.
Here's my other blog post about this website:
the scientifically-proven-way
Let your intuition guide you.
From Dr. Joe Vitale's email newsletter--
Dr. Joe Vitale mentioned in the below messages.
The meditation lasts only about 20 minutes,
so I compensated some of my lunch time to do the meditation.
First several times of using the meditation audio,
I often liberally dropped my tears for feeling the
Love of the Divine, and for thanking the Love from
the Divine and Dr. Joe Vitale.
I thanked him from my heart for guiding the meditation, and for
sharing the audio.
The Attract Miracles Community in the website is also cool.
I was drawn to it by the scientific research results on the
power of group intentions. I believed it, so I joined it and found
greater resources than I expected.
Read his messages below and check out the site by yourself.
Here's my other blog post about this website:
the scientifically-proven-way
Let your intuition guide you.
From Dr. Joe Vitale's email newsletter--
What if you could magnify the power of your intentions
to transform your life AND literally change the world
at the same time?
Here's what I'm talking about.
Since The Secret movie came out, millions of people
around the world discovered that our thoughts and
emotions shape and create reality.
That's what I call 'Law of Attraction 1.0', or, using
the power of our thoughts to change our own lives.
Now, what would happen if literally thousands of
people combined their power together?
I'm talking about plugging YOUR mind into a giant
community entirely dedicated to shifting the vibration
of the world because it's time to think bigger.
That's 'Law of Attraction 2.0'.
Let me explain...
Over 23 scientific studies have shown groups of people
intentionally meditating have created measurable
results in...
* reducing crime
* increasing prosperity
* raising stock markets
* ending political conflicts
* lowering stress and anger
* and much, much more
When I learned that so much scientific evidence
supported intentional meditation, I wrote about it in
my best selling book, The Attractor Factor.
For the past year I've been building a 'miracles
meditation' community and we're ready to take what
we've learned and roll it out on an even bigger, and
better scale.
The largest intentional meditation group I'm aware
of was about 8,000 people.
I'm thinking bigger...
Let's see what happens when we get an even bigger
number of people together.
I know we can gather 10,000, so let's think bigger and
intend 100,000 people from around the world all
focused on attracting miracles for each other
and the world!
To jump start the project, I'm giving away one of my
most popular 'intentional meditation' audios in
exchange for participating the all new Attract
Miracles Meditation experiment.
To find out how you can get the audio absolutely FREE
right now and get the rest of the story, go to:
Think big and dare something worthy with me right now.
Would you take 20 minutes a day to relax, visualize the
life you truly desire, and by doing so, literally
change the vibration of the world we live in?
Who wouldn't???
I get phone calls and emails to my office every day
about how scared people are about the state of the
world today.
Now is the time to join our energy together. The
science has shown the way, it's up to you and me to
take inspired action today and do our part.
It's totally free to participate... and it feels great!
It's Law of Attraction 2.0.
And, it's a win-win, because you will benefit just by
taking the time out of your day to intentionally
meditate with me.
Go see at --
PS -- Remember, the basis for the site
is the scientific evidence that when a small
group of people hold an intention for you,
it tends to become reality FAST. There's
no woo-woo here. It's all results oriented.
Go see for yourself over at --
2010年4月5日 星期一
2010年4月2日 星期五
⊕"All Around The World" - by SEAY
It's such a blessing to hear this song and to watch this video.
Thank you so much for this song, Seay.
May there be peace and joy all around the world.
Thank you, Mother Earth. I love you.
Thank you, Universe. I love you.
Es una bendición escuchar esta canción y ver el vídeo.
Muchas gracias por esta canción, Seay.
Que haya paz y alegría en todo el mundo.
Gracias, Madre Tierra. Te amo.
Gracias, Universo. Te amo.
Thank you so much for this song, Seay.
May there be peace and joy all around the world.
Thank you, Mother Earth. I love you.
Thank you, Universe. I love you.
Es una bendición escuchar esta canción y ver el vídeo.
Muchas gracias por esta canción, Seay.
Que haya paz y alegría en todo el mundo.
Gracias, Madre Tierra. Te amo.
Gracias, Universo. Te amo.
2010年3月30日 星期二
⊕"I Can Do It!" San Diego The Mind, Body, Soul Retreat May 14-16, 2010
I Can Do It! is sure to energize your mind, body, and spirit—the event has all you would ever want and more! Not to mention the breathtaking venue conveniently located right on the harbor in San Diego within walking distance of everything you need. Once you attend your first I Can Do It!conference, it won't be your last! I Can Do It!runs from Friday to Sunday, May 14-May 16, 2010 with optional Thursday Keynote and Friday Pre-Conference Workshops. Register here >>
The I Can Do It! conference supports you on your journey of personal growth and enlightenment, whether you stay for the entire weekend or just a single workshop. You'll delight in the interactive sessions as well as the personal book-signings with the authors. Let your soul get the nourishment it needs at the I Can Do It! conference and live your spirit! This is the conference that will change your life! Never before has there been such an assortment of seminar selections and experts in their fields in one setting. If it's enlightenment, awareness, and inspiration you want for your mind, body, and spirit, you've come to the right place! Register Now >>
2010年3月20日 星期六
⊕Happy Equinox! "Global Healing Meditation, March 20, Spring Equinox"
Today is the first day of Spring, the first equinox of this year.
It is a very spiritual day for meditation. Take 10-15 minutes
of today to meditate and to attune yourself to the spiritual
energies of the Earth.
Meditate as long as you can stand.
The longer you meditate, the more the spiritual energy you
will receive.
It is a very spiritual day for meditation. Take 10-15 minutes
of today to meditate and to attune yourself to the spiritual
energies of the Earth.
Meditate as long as you can stand.
The longer you meditate, the more the spiritual energy you
will receive.
2010年3月17日 星期三
⊕Namaste! I bow to the Divine within you.
Today's sunshine was just gorgeous.
I felt like taking pictures for the tinny flowers of shamrocks
in the backyard.
Then I took pictures on the leaves, on the azaleas, and then on
other flowers that just amazed me.
The more pictures I took, the more grateful feeling I felt.
Looked at the Red color on each azalea. None of them
was wearing the same red color.
Looked at the Green color the leaves on the plants. They
were all green but were different types of green.
The splash of the sunshine produced so many different colors
on the petals of each flower, and on the leaves of each plant.
They were just so saturated with color and vitality.
I felt like experiencing abundance in the backyard of the house!
In a little corner of the azalea plant, I found a beautiful scene
that demonstrated perfect life cycle to me:
A bud getting to burst, a blossomy flower opening all its petals to
the sunshine, and a withering flower with falling petals. They were
all next to each other fulfilling their life's mission. They were all
in the Now, in the present.
They were just magnificent. I couldn't help myself but saying, "Namaste",
to these plants.
I appreciated the vital power within them. I appreciated the beauty of
the Nature. I praised the creativity of the Universe.
I appreciated myself for being able to allow the beauty
into my experience. I appreciated the joy and the peace when
taking pictures for them.
Namaste! Thank you. I praise the Divine from whom all blessings flow.
I felt like taking pictures for the tinny flowers of shamrocks
in the backyard.
Then I took pictures on the leaves, on the azaleas, and then on
other flowers that just amazed me.
The more pictures I took, the more grateful feeling I felt.
Looked at the Red color on each azalea. None of them
was wearing the same red color.
Looked at the Green color the leaves on the plants. They
were all green but were different types of green.
The splash of the sunshine produced so many different colors
on the petals of each flower, and on the leaves of each plant.
They were just so saturated with color and vitality.
I felt like experiencing abundance in the backyard of the house!
In a little corner of the azalea plant, I found a beautiful scene
that demonstrated perfect life cycle to me:
A bud getting to burst, a blossomy flower opening all its petals to
the sunshine, and a withering flower with falling petals. They were
all next to each other fulfilling their life's mission. They were all
in the Now, in the present.
They were just magnificent. I couldn't help myself but saying, "Namaste",
to these plants.
I appreciated the vital power within them. I appreciated the beauty of
the Nature. I praised the creativity of the Universe.
I appreciated myself for being able to allow the beauty
into my experience. I appreciated the joy and the peace when
taking pictures for them.
Namaste! Thank you. I praise the Divine from whom all blessings flow.
一直想筆記自己每天碰到的, 新學到的英文語彙,
這樣下次再碰到時, 就知道是什麼意思, 也會運用到
日常生活中了. 隨著時序推移, 這個 list 會不斷成長,
代表自己的語彙越來越豐富, 語言溝通的橋梁也越延伸,
學習到新東西很開心, 也讓我更留心
平常碰到的字, 雖然有些字可能對一些人來說,
是很簡單的, 但對我卻可能是新學習到的,
我將自己學習的態度開放, 不了解意思時,
馬上詢問並確定自己明白對方的意思, 也感謝
因為加州這裡講西語的人口眾多 (學校平常家
長會時, 都會有一位老師是特別當場口譯英文到西文,
給講西語的家長聽), 我也一直想把西語能力再
加強回來, 所以這裡就把西語的說法也一併加上,
最常使用的翻譯工具就是 Google Translate Tool,
及 Google Dictionary.
P.S. 因為是經驗中學習, 非關學術, 在學習的過程中,
我會依據經驗, 修正自己的理解程度, 若有不正確/不精準
的地方, 歡迎留言指導, 我會虛心學習並感謝您的指教.
這樣下次再碰到時, 就知道是什麼意思, 也會運用到
日常生活中了. 隨著時序推移, 這個 list 會不斷成長,
代表自己的語彙越來越豐富, 語言溝通的橋梁也越延伸,
學習到新東西很開心, 也讓我更留心
平常碰到的字, 雖然有些字可能對一些人來說,
是很簡單的, 但對我卻可能是新學習到的,
我將自己學習的態度開放, 不了解意思時,
馬上詢問並確定自己明白對方的意思, 也感謝
因為加州這裡講西語的人口眾多 (學校平常家
長會時, 都會有一位老師是特別當場口譯英文到西文,
給講西語的家長聽), 我也一直想把西語能力再
加強回來, 所以這裡就把西語的說法也一併加上,
最常使用的翻譯工具就是 Google Translate Tool,
及 Google Dictionary.
P.S. 因為是經驗中學習, 非關學術, 在學習的過程中,
我會依據經驗, 修正自己的理解程度, 若有不正確/不精準
的地方, 歡迎留言指導, 我會虛心學習並感謝您的指教.
中文 | 英文 | 西班牙文 |
摩擦力 | friction; friction force | fuerza de fricción |
杜鵑 | azalea | azalea |
散光 | astigmatism | astigmatismo |
光合作用 | fotosíntesis |
英文 | 中文翻譯 | 西班牙文 |
gal | 女生, 就像說Girl/lady的意思 | chica; muchacha; ... |
nudge | 輕推 gentle push | codazo suave |
acclimate v. | 適應環境; 使服水土 | aclimatarse |
verbiage | 冗長的語彙 | verbosidad |
perpetual | 不間斷的; 持久的 | perpetuo; continuo; eterno |
partake v. | 享用 (eat/drink something that's offered to you) | participar; tomar parte |
"All done!" | 好了! (小朋友在教室調皮時, 老師對著他們喊, "All Done!") | Todo hecho! |
演化;轉變(質變) | ||
復活;重生 | ||
復仇;報復 |
2010年3月16日 星期二
A new word invented by dear little Firemonster today...
What is "Frogest"?
Mom doesn't know.
Mom has to ask him.
Here is the answer from the inventor...
"A Frogest means a frog that looks like a frog a lot!", he said.
What does this mean?
Mom wants to comprehend.
What is "Frogest"?
Mom doesn't know.
Mom has to ask him.
Here is the answer from the inventor...
"A Frogest means a frog that looks like a frog a lot!", he said.
What does this mean?
Mom wants to comprehend.
2010年3月15日 星期一
⊕Prosperity to me
These are the pictures taken from both
the front and the backyard of the house.
They were taken either during the winter time (November, 2009)
or right now in the spring time (March, 2010).
They looked so prosperous to me and made me
feel grateful for the magnificent power of the
I will never forget the joy when I saw the first azalea,
the first rose, the shinning light on the leaves of the shamrock,
the booming buds on the cherry tree, and the strong and healthy
leaves on the stems of the little yellow flowers (don't know
their names). They were just so beautiful and joyful.
Thank you, plants and flowers, for the bright joy
and energy you brought me.
How wonderful the world is!
How beautiful the world is!
What a benevolent Universe we have!
Thank you, Divine, for all the abundance you're
supplying us here. Thank you.
the front and the backyard of the house.
They were taken either during the winter time (November, 2009)
or right now in the spring time (March, 2010).
They looked so prosperous to me and made me
feel grateful for the magnificent power of the
I will never forget the joy when I saw the first azalea,
the first rose, the shinning light on the leaves of the shamrock,
the booming buds on the cherry tree, and the strong and healthy
leaves on the stems of the little yellow flowers (don't know
their names). They were just so beautiful and joyful.
Thank you, plants and flowers, for the bright joy
and energy you brought me.
How wonderful the world is!
How beautiful the world is!
What a benevolent Universe we have!
Thank you, Divine, for all the abundance you're
supplying us here. Thank you.
2010年3月13日 星期六
⊕"What a Wonderful World!" (Louise Armstrong)
We were watching one of Madeline's movies and heard the song
at the end of the movie. Although it is the story about the 12 Frenchgirls, and the "What a Wonderful World" song is an American song,
the content of the song matched so well with the spirit of the movie.
It is just so beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for this beautiful song.
答案: "Threading"!
今天中午經過一家美容美髮沙龍時, 先看到圖片,
先前在VallyFair的走道上, 也看到有人在挽面.
當時很驚訝, 因為生意好像滿好的! 可是那時沒看到
它的英文單字, 今天中午一連看到兩家都是
不知是現在灣區這裡很流行挽面, 還是是以前就有的服務?
我也是在台北士林住時, 看到菜市場附近好多阿姨,
上面放著修面修指甲的傢伙, 就忙得很起勁, 因為
幾乎每一攤都有人, 每一攤都在做挽面的生意!
不知為什麼, 看到這種景象, 常讓我很感動, 是
想到民國50年代那時候的台灣嗎? ......可是那時自己也
還沒出生啊? 總覺得路邊小板凳上, 坐著臉塗得白白的,
被挽面的人, 以及雙手及嘴巴咬著細線忙著做挽面的
阿姨阿婆們, 那樣的景象, 似乎讓時間停格,
讓我像看到了早期, 民風樸素的年代,
街頭巷尾親切的阿姨大嬸們, 忙裡尋得一段自在的
時光, 為自己的門面關照關照,
想到大阿姨, 我那既謙卑又一輩子努力, 為自己也為家人的
好長輩. 我們一起去日本玩, 坐渡輪時, 大家都在興奮的看海景,
只有阿姨自己默默站在甲板上, 念著大悲咒.
小時候, 讓大阿姨帶了一陣子, 還記得在大阿姨家東玩西玩, 後來
玩鐵鎚敲到大拇指, 阿姨很忙, 以前還看過她用石板及石錘洗衣服,
現在想想, 以前的長輩們都好可敬喔! 一天只有24小時, 但他們認份
辛勤, 一天做的事, 可能是我一個星期或兩個星期才做完的.
(不過, 我也在不斷進化中, 所以, I am continuing expending myself to be
more. 這是我很開心的地方, Yappi! 我也可以做很多很多很多的事呢!)
那是物質生活簡單, 吃苦若飴, 苦中卻能做樂, 且心靈豐足的年代.
大阿姨, 雖然我曾向您說過謝謝的話語, 但我知還不夠.
才四.五歲的我, 正是讓大人忙碌的年紀, 您也很忙碌,
自己一個人要照顧一大群小孩, 但您卻還願意幫媽媽帶我,
餵我吃早餐, 幫我穿襪子, 穿衣服, 帶我走很遠的路去上小學.
直到我長大結婚生孩子, 您還是不辭老遠要表哥載雞來給我
我工作賺錢, 還沒給過您幾次新年的紅包, 您就離開人世了.
雖然您的形體已不在, 但我相信您的精神仍在, 仍在關心著
現在我在想您, 我相信您感受得到. 阿姨, 謝謝您曾經照顧我,
感謝您的關心與照顧, 感謝您對我的祝福, 謝謝您.
獻上我的祝福給大阿姨, 祝福您的心靈與精神進化到更高層次.
謝謝您. 祝福您. 我愛您!
答案: "Threading"!
今天中午經過一家美容美髮沙龍時, 先看到圖片,
先前在VallyFair的走道上, 也看到有人在挽面.
當時很驚訝, 因為生意好像滿好的! 可是那時沒看到
它的英文單字, 今天中午一連看到兩家都是
不知是現在灣區這裡很流行挽面, 還是是以前就有的服務?
我也是在台北士林住時, 看到菜市場附近好多阿姨,
上面放著修面修指甲的傢伙, 就忙得很起勁, 因為
幾乎每一攤都有人, 每一攤都在做挽面的生意!
不知為什麼, 看到這種景象, 常讓我很感動, 是
想到民國50年代那時候的台灣嗎? ......可是那時自己也
還沒出生啊? 總覺得路邊小板凳上, 坐著臉塗得白白的,
被挽面的人, 以及雙手及嘴巴咬著細線忙著做挽面的
阿姨阿婆們, 那樣的景象, 似乎讓時間停格,
讓我像看到了早期, 民風樸素的年代,
街頭巷尾親切的阿姨大嬸們, 忙裡尋得一段自在的
時光, 為自己的門面關照關照,
想到大阿姨, 我那既謙卑又一輩子努力, 為自己也為家人的
好長輩. 我們一起去日本玩, 坐渡輪時, 大家都在興奮的看海景,
只有阿姨自己默默站在甲板上, 念著大悲咒.
小時候, 讓大阿姨帶了一陣子, 還記得在大阿姨家東玩西玩, 後來
玩鐵鎚敲到大拇指, 阿姨很忙, 以前還看過她用石板及石錘洗衣服,
現在想想, 以前的長輩們都好可敬喔! 一天只有24小時, 但他們認份
辛勤, 一天做的事, 可能是我一個星期或兩個星期才做完的.
(不過, 我也在不斷進化中, 所以, I am continuing expending myself to be
more. 這是我很開心的地方, Yappi! 我也可以做很多很多很多的事呢!)
那是物質生活簡單, 吃苦若飴, 苦中卻能做樂, 且心靈豐足的年代.
大阿姨, 雖然我曾向您說過謝謝的話語, 但我知還不夠.
才四.五歲的我, 正是讓大人忙碌的年紀, 您也很忙碌,
自己一個人要照顧一大群小孩, 但您卻還願意幫媽媽帶我,
餵我吃早餐, 幫我穿襪子, 穿衣服, 帶我走很遠的路去上小學.
直到我長大結婚生孩子, 您還是不辭老遠要表哥載雞來給我
我工作賺錢, 還沒給過您幾次新年的紅包, 您就離開人世了.
雖然您的形體已不在, 但我相信您的精神仍在, 仍在關心著
現在我在想您, 我相信您感受得到. 阿姨, 謝謝您曾經照顧我,
感謝您的關心與照顧, 感謝您對我的祝福, 謝謝您.
獻上我的祝福給大阿姨, 祝福您的心靈與精神進化到更高層次.
謝謝您. 祝福您. 我愛您!
2010年3月12日 星期五
2010年3月10日 星期三
⊕"Ordinary Miracle (by Sarah McLachlan)"
Thank you, Divine, for each and every ordinary miracle we are receiving
everyday, in everywhere, and from everyone.
everyday, in everywhere, and from everyone.
2010年2月25日 星期四
⊕Live Zero Frequency™ with Mabel & Dr. Ihaleakala as Special Guest
Transform your life with Mabel Katz
& Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
-The rest of your life free from the constant struggle
of breaking through self-imposed barriers
-Having balance in your life
-Being rid of the stress that blocks greater success
-Living life at your full potentia
Zero Frequency ™ is the Perfect frequency, no static or bad
connections. No memories, no programming, no judgments, no
opinions, no struggles, no fears, just pure inspiration.
Tuning into your Zero Frequency ™ is being at one with
Inspiration (God) and at peace with the world around you.
At Zero you discover your true identity, knowing your true
identity is the key to finding your paradise. Your true
identity hears, sees and feels clearly because it is at one
with the goodness of the universe, it is in the flow.
At Zero you will no longer live, look or react through your
tainted smoke screen (memories.) The need to always be
right and have the last word no longer exists in you. You
will finally free yourself from YOURSELF and let go and let
At Zero you find the courage to follow your passion, ask
the right questions, let go of negative programming, trust
in yourself, live in faith, and walk with gratitude.
At Zero is where the real magic happens!
Join a select group of people at "Attuning to Your Zero
Frequency ™" one and a half day seminar Presented by Mabel
Katz with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len as special guest.
Here's the details:
Live Zero Frequency with Mabel & Dr. Ihaleakala
as Special Guest.
Attend the one and a half day conference
Starting Saturday evening, February 27, 2010 at 7 pm
& All day Sunday, February 28, 2010 from 10 am to 5 pm
Located at beautiful Marina del Rey Hotel
You can also participate in absentee
and get the benefits if you cannot join us physically
Register now
Start living the life of your dreams. Learn to trust and
clean with Ho'oponopono.
Peace be with you,
P.S. Be sure to tell your friends about this amazing
opportunity. You can send them here.
Transform your life with Mabel Katz
& Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
-The rest of your life free from the constant struggle
of breaking through self-imposed barriers
-Having balance in your life
-Being rid of the stress that blocks greater success
-Living life at your full potentia
Zero Frequency ™ is the Perfect frequency, no static or bad
connections. No memories, no programming, no judgments, no
opinions, no struggles, no fears, just pure inspiration.
Tuning into your Zero Frequency ™ is being at one with
Inspiration (God) and at peace with the world around you.
At Zero you discover your true identity, knowing your true
identity is the key to finding your paradise. Your true
identity hears, sees and feels clearly because it is at one
with the goodness of the universe, it is in the flow.
At Zero you will no longer live, look or react through your
tainted smoke screen (memories.) The need to always be
right and have the last word no longer exists in you. You
will finally free yourself from YOURSELF and let go and let
At Zero you find the courage to follow your passion, ask
the right questions, let go of negative programming, trust
in yourself, live in faith, and walk with gratitude.
At Zero is where the real magic happens!
Join a select group of people at "Attuning to Your Zero
Frequency ™" one and a half day seminar Presented by Mabel
Katz with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len as special guest.
Here's the details:
Live Zero Frequency with Mabel & Dr. Ihaleakala
as Special Guest.
Attend the one and a half day conference
Starting Saturday evening, February 27, 2010 at 7 pm
& All day Sunday, February 28, 2010 from 10 am to 5 pm
Located at beautiful Marina del Rey Hotel
You can also participate in absentee
and get the benefits if you cannot join us physically
Register now
Start living the life of your dreams. Learn to trust and
clean with Ho'oponopono.
Peace be with you,
P.S. Be sure to tell your friends about this amazing
opportunity. You can send them here.
2010年2月20日 星期六
⊕The 6 Day Natural Vision Workshop
I learnt about Mr. Meir Schneider from
Dr. Joe Vitale's book, "The Attractor Factor".
I started to wear near-sighted glasses
around the age of 7.
I have been heavily nearsighted with
astigmatism since senior high school,
and was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2008.
After reading Mr. Schneider's story, I know there is
hope for my eyes. Because his self-healing school is just
in San Francisco, I decided to register for
this 6 day workshop.
There are people coming from a distance like the
East coast, the other country to the school for this workshop.
I am grateful that it only takes me less than one hour to drive
to the school.
I am grateful for having the time and the wealth
to take Mr. Meir Schneider's 6 Day Natural Vision Workshop.
I am so grateful for the rejoice of my eyes, my mind, and
my body. Thank you, Mr. Meir Schneider.
It's a communication with my eyes, my brain, and my whole body.
It's a re-connection of the whole body and the mind.
It's to live in harmony with the Nature.
It's to listen to our inner voice.
It's to work with my whole body and mind.
It's to bring back the ability of that has been there, or has been
overlooked by our busy/modern life style.
It's to appreciate the Present and to make use of the
greatest gift from the Universe, Nature's elements.
Thank you, my son, for accompanying me to the class Everyday.
I love you.
Thanks all the class assistants that help us with the exercises.
Thank you, Divine. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Praise Divine from whom all blessings flow. I love you.
Dr. Joe Vitale's book, "The Attractor Factor".
I started to wear near-sighted glasses
around the age of 7.
I have been heavily nearsighted with
astigmatism since senior high school,
and was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2008.
After reading Mr. Schneider's story, I know there is
hope for my eyes. Because his self-healing school is just
in San Francisco, I decided to register for
this 6 day workshop.
There are people coming from a distance like the
East coast, the other country to the school for this workshop.
I am grateful that it only takes me less than one hour to drive
to the school.
I am grateful for having the time and the wealth
to take Mr. Meir Schneider's 6 Day Natural Vision Workshop.
I am so grateful for the rejoice of my eyes, my mind, and
my body. Thank you, Mr. Meir Schneider.
It's a communication with my eyes, my brain, and my whole body.
It's a re-connection of the whole body and the mind.
It's to live in harmony with the Nature.
It's to listen to our inner voice.
It's to work with my whole body and mind.
It's to bring back the ability of that has been there, or has been
overlooked by our busy/modern life style.
It's to appreciate the Present and to make use of the
greatest gift from the Universe, Nature's elements.
Thank you, my son, for accompanying me to the class Everyday.
I love you.
Thanks all the class assistants that help us with the exercises.
Thank you, Divine. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Praise Divine from whom all blessings flow. I love you.
2010年2月15日 星期一
⊕The Oneness; The Connection
We are all connected.
Under God, We are one.
That's what I have been feeling recently.
I want to keep the trace of how I got to which
information in the journey of my learning/my personal
I first knew about "Oneness" from the website, GratitudeLog.com.
From the website, I was also introduced to Jo Dunning.
I am reading the book, "The Kabbalah Code"
by James Twyman with Philip Gruber, published by
Hay House.
How did I get to Hay House?
I subscribed to the newsletter
of Hay House because I was
looking for Carolyn Myss and
found Louise L. Hay("You Can Heal Your Life", The Movie starring her! Click to watch the trailer.).
I then became a subscriber of
both teachers' newsletters.
From Hay House, I bought a kid's book, "You with the Stars in Your Eyes", by Deepak Chopra, for my son, the book, "The Kabbalah Code" by James Twyman with Philip Gruber, and "The Proof". The 40 day practice of the Proof is about Oneness.
Since the start of practicing Ho'oponopono, I have been visiting
Mabel Katz's websites from time to time and am a subscriber
of her newsletter. One day she sent out an email about Inspire Me Today
web site, I visited that website and became its newsletter subscriber.
Mabel was one of the feature luminaries of Inspire Me Today weekly interviews.
Then a series of talks ("From Darkness Into Light Series")
from various teachers. And there was Donna Eden, Natalie Ledwell and many
All I can say is that I am grateful for everything!
Under God, We are one.
That's what I have been feeling recently.
I want to keep the trace of how I got to which
information in the journey of my learning/my personal
I first knew about "Oneness" from the website, GratitudeLog.com.
From the website, I was also introduced to Jo Dunning.
I am reading the book, "The Kabbalah Code"
by James Twyman with Philip Gruber, published by
Hay House.
How did I get to Hay House?
I subscribed to the newsletter
of Hay House because I was
looking for Carolyn Myss and
found Louise L. Hay("You Can Heal Your Life", The Movie starring her! Click to watch the trailer.).
I then became a subscriber of
both teachers' newsletters.
From Hay House, I bought a kid's book, "You with the Stars in Your Eyes", by Deepak Chopra, for my son, the book, "The Kabbalah Code" by James Twyman with Philip Gruber, and "The Proof". The 40 day practice of the Proof is about Oneness.
Since the start of practicing Ho'oponopono, I have been visiting
Mabel Katz's websites from time to time and am a subscriber
of her newsletter. One day she sent out an email about Inspire Me Today
web site, I visited that website and became its newsletter subscriber.
Mabel was one of the feature luminaries of Inspire Me Today weekly interviews.
Then a series of talks ("From Darkness Into Light Series")
from various teachers. And there was Donna Eden, Natalie Ledwell and many
other great teachers. The host of the series, Shifra, "is a personal and spiritual
coach who has been studying, teaching and living the principles of
authentic Kabbalah for over 20 years."
All I can say is that I am grateful for everything!
2010年2月10日 星期三
⊕"Energy Medicine"
It was Janeen who introduced me "Energy Medicine"
by Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Last time my son and I had jetlag and we woke up very
That was great. I immediately bought one for myself before the audience
took all of the available ones.
It is true that we are the best doctor of our body.
by Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Last time my son and I had jetlag and we woke up very
early like 11pm. Janeen taught me to do some movements
to comfort our body from jetlag and tiredness.Then one day last month, my son started to have some
alergic reactions on his skin. It was the first time for him
to have such skin rash. As a mother, I didn't recall him
to be allergic to any food.
Then "Energy Medicine" came again. I searched the web
for holistic health practitioners in the local area.
I found Dr. Chen in the area. To my surprise, she is a
practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine!!
Thanks to Dr. Chen. I called her and described the
symptons of my son. She listened and gave me
some suggestions.
One of the suggestions is to do the Reverse Triple Warmer.
It seems to be working for him. It's amazing.
This Tuesday, I went to her workshop. So
many people attended this workshop. I felt
thankful for being introduced to this Energy Medicine.
Dr. Chen also brought Chinese version of "Energy Medicine"
to the workshop. It was translated by Ms. Sharon (蔡孟璇 小姐), and
published by http://www.lapislazuli.org/.
Dr. Chen also brought Chinese version of "Energy Medicine"
to the workshop. It was translated by Ms. Sharon (蔡孟璇 小姐), and
published by http://www.lapislazuli.org/.
That was great. I immediately bought one for myself before the audience
took all of the available ones.
It is true that we are the best doctor of our body.
I thank my grandpa too. When I was in Junior high
school, he used to massage the area of my eyes
and my feet because of my near-sighted vision.
I didn't know how much love and care he put
in for wanting to build the health of my eyes
until now I am more matured, become a mother,
and massage my son for his good.
Thank you, Grandpa. I love you.
Thank you, Dr. Chen for your consideration.
Thank you, Janeen, for introducing me into
the Energy Medicine field.
2010年2月1日 星期一
⊕"Amazing Grace" & "If You Believe" - Jim Brickman
A pianist I found in the Target store about two weeks ago...."Jim Brickman"
I found his songs very soothing and fresh like the Spring air.
I bought three of his CDs, "Hope", "Faith", and "Beautiful World".
All very comforting. We play them during our dinning times.
I never knew this pianist before, but Thank God I found him in
Target. Very nice music, very refreshing. Recommand you to get one
for yourself.
I found his songs very soothing and fresh like the Spring air.
I bought three of his CDs, "Hope", "Faith", and "Beautiful World".
All very comforting. We play them during our dinning times.
I never knew this pianist before, but Thank God I found him in
Target. Very nice music, very refreshing. Recommand you to get one
for yourself.
2010年1月30日 星期六
『你是我們唯一的獨子,爸媽都想好了,以後我們這家醫院就留給你了, 當了醫生之後,你一輩子都不愁吃穿,你會有一定的社會地位, 可以賺很多很多錢,
6 : 00 am起床,刷牙、洗臉、吃早餐, 媽媽開車趕在 7:20 am 前送他到學校參加早自習
8 : 10 am第一堂課開始→ 5:00 pm 放學,除了午休之外, 媽媽說每一節下課的十分鐘,至少要背會五個英文單子, 連去上廁所也要帶著英文單字卡
5 : 00 pm媽媽準時在校門口接他,他在車上吃便當,因為要趕去補習
6 : 00 pm一、三、五晚上補英文、數學 •二、四晚上補物理、化學 •六、日學小提琴、鋼琴
9 : 30 pm媽媽準時在補習班門口等他,接他回家
10 : 00 pm洗完澡後,才開始寫學校的功課
12 : 30 am-1 : 00 am如果功課寫完了就可以去睡覺,但常常到 1:30 am 還寫不完…
有一天同學帶了一本色情圖片的 A 書給他看,血氣方剛的他看得臉紅脖子粗, 他從來沒看過這樣的東西,他興奮極了,
他覺得那是他上了國中之後唯一可以令他快樂的事,從此之後他迷上了看 A 書。
有一天上英文課,他把 A 書藏在桌子底下看,正當他看得入迷的時候, 老師忽然出現在他的面前,一把將他的 A 書拿了起來,
學校通知家長,媽媽趕來了,他不敢看媽媽, 媽媽看著他,立刻給他一巴掌…,當場羞辱了他一頓:『你這個混蛋,爸爸媽媽送你來這麼貴的學校, 你竟然在學校做這種事,我打死你算了……』
主任跟媽媽說:『你兒子帶不良書刊到學校,還在課堂上公然看 A 書, 學校要記他一個大過……』
媽媽急著跟訓導主任說:『主任對不起對不起,那書絕對不是我兒子的, 他很乖,他從來都不會這樣,一定是別的同學給他的, 你可不可以不要記他過,這樣
回家的路上,媽媽氣得不想說話,他也不說話,到家後,他一個勁兒地往樓上衝,爸爸叫他,他完全不理會,只管回他的房間;爸爸氣炸了,上樓一腳踹開他的門,叫罵著: 『我們費盡千辛萬苦讓你去上明星學校,你去給我學這個, 王八蛋,我的臉全給你丟光了……』。
他睡不著,腦海裡不斷地撥放著白天在學校所發生的一切, 他痛苦極了,他想做一件讓他爸媽永遠後悔的事, 他趁爸媽都睡覺之後,到廚房拿刀割腕自殺
媽媽隔天照常起來準備弄早餐給他吃,才一踏進廚房,媽媽嚇呆了, 孩子躺在血泊裡,大叫先生……。
從那天開始,他不再跟爸媽說任何一句話,也不上學, 爸媽被他自殺的事情嚇壞了,不敢強迫他做任何事,只能先幫他辦休學,但心裡急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻,卻
一點辦法都沒有, 所有親戚、朋友、老師、同學…,他一律不見。
二個月過去了,爸爸再也受不住了,進了他的房間,破口大罵: 『你到底想怎樣 ? 我們哪裡對不起你了,你要這樣對待我跟你媽 ? ……』 媽媽急忙拉開爸爸,要爸爸不要再講了…。
到了他家,他的父母告訴了我事情的經過, 我請他們都暫時離開家,二個小時後再回來。
我沒有急著進房找他,我只是坐在客廳看電視,而且音樂開得很大聲, 還不斷地講手機,更故意拉高嗓門大聲講電話。
十分鐘後,他好奇了,怎麼會有一位陌生人在他家, 他出來問我是誰,我說我家電視壞了,來你家借電視看, 他接著問:『你是我爸媽的朋友嗎 ? 』
我說:『我不認識你爸媽耶,但我認識你爸爸的朋友叫范叔叔的 !! 』
他沒理我,我看到他滿臉的痘痘、駝著背,站在那裡不發一語, 我問他:『你們家有什麼吃的,肚子好餓喔 ? 』
他說:『不知道,平常都是媽媽做飯;叔叔你自己去看廚房有什麼吃的吧 !! 』
我看了一下,真的沒東西吃,不過我看到泡麵,我就問他: 『有泡麵耶,你要不要吃 ? 』 『媽媽不准我吃泡麵』
他回答;我再問:『那你想吃嗎 ? 』 他說:『好阿 !! 』;你可以幫叔叔去樓下買蛋嗎 ? 他說好阿。
就這樣我邊吃泡麵,邊看電視,我叫他也一起來看電視,他說: 『媽媽不准我吃飯看電視 !! 』我跟他說:『那你想看嗎 ? 』
他說:『想阿 !! 』那一起來看吧 !!
吃飽後,我問他泡麵好吃嗎 ? 他說:『好吃 !! 』 我又問,媽媽煮的菜好吃嗎 ? 他說:『好吃 !! 』
我再問,泡麵好吃 ? 還是媽媽煮的好吃嗎 ?
他說:『媽媽煮的好吃 !! 』你有跟媽媽說過嗎 ?
他說沒有 !! 你想跟媽媽說嗎 ?
他突然間嚎啕大哭起來:『叔叔,我真的好想去死喔 !! 學校每天除了考試,還是考試,在家我不能看電視, 不能打電動,不能上網,不能出去玩,不能跟
國小的同學聯絡…, 除了唸書,我什麼都不能,尤其是不能讓爸媽失望……, 這是什麼世界阿 !! 我沒有一點點個人的時間,為什麼我要過這樣的生
活, 我真想一死了之,我真想讓爸媽永遠後悔…… !! 』。
我問他,讓爸媽後悔對你有什麼好處 ?
他說:『沒有,但我就是恨他們,我要讓他們遺憾一輩子 !! 我不喜歡讀書,也不想當醫生,爸爸自己當醫生,每天看那麼多病人, 我覺得他一點都不快樂
阿,而且他一天到晚跟媽媽吵架、鬧離婚, 他想當醫生自己當就好了,為什麼我就必須去當醫生,我為什麼要去過那樣的日子, 為什麼我不能決定我要什麼 ? ……』
你以為孩子還小,什麼都不懂嗎 ?
其實孩子什麼都懂,不懂的是你,因為你想控制,或是你曾經 被控制 !!
如果你現在正為人父母,放手吧,孩子自己會決定走他想走的路, 你只要把你自己的路走好就好了。
所有的父母都希望把孩子教育好,最好可以跟父母一樣, 甚至走父母安排好的路,但是所有的孩子都不希望成為父母的樣子, 更討厭父母安排的一切。
如果你想要逼一個孩子走上絕路,這是一個不錯的方法喔,但我相信你看懂了 !!!
如果我讓你們失望,我還可以是你們的孩子嗎 ?
這是全天下的孩子都想要知道的一件事 !!
我看了以後感觸很多: 怎麼我們的教育惡性循環會一直是這樣的,老師家長孩子大家是怎麼了?
最後那句話說的很棒很對很好「放手吧!孩子自己會決定走他想走的路, 你只要把你自己的路走好就好了。」
是啊!我們這些大人只要把自己的路走好了, 孩子自然會以我們為榜樣「好好」地走下去的。
每個父母都希望自己的孩子是人中之龍、人中之鳳, 也因為如此,現代的孩子都承受著父母莫大的壓力。
你知道一個國中生一天要上多少的課嗎? 要在二十四小時之內學那麼多東西,而學那些東西真的是孩子的興趣?還是忙著去完成父母的夢想?
閱讀 Reading
2010年1月20日 星期三
⊕"Warrior of the Light: A Manual"
Today from PhilosophersNotes 50 day Challenge, I read these powerful messages of Paulo Coelho's book, "Warrior of the Light":
I felt so true when reading these messages, and "I love and accept myself completely.(from Louise Hay)"
Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.
Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.
Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.
Every Warrior of the light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light.
Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.
Every Warrior of the Light has said "yes" when he wanted to say "no"
Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.
That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.
I felt so true when reading these messages, and "I love and accept myself completely.(from Louise Hay)"
2010年1月16日 星期六
⊕"Change Your Mind, Change Your Life."
Came across a nice video from the Larry King show.
"What we believe can come true."...from JZ Knight.
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